Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lighten The Fuck Up!

Last night, I posted a joke at the expense of a high school friend who was not know as very bright.  Yeah, it was cruel.  But the truth is, she had about as much chance of being a Sterling Scholar at I had being elected Homecoming King.

And I got a lot of shit for it.

Oh, shut the fuck up!

If it wasn't on Facebook, no one would come to her defense.  When it's not on line, they all talk about her the same way.

It's Facebook!  It's not the Congressional Record.  Let it go.

We all know our place and our history.

So quit it.  Just roll with the punches.  So it goes.

Friday, July 19, 2013


Uppity:  Tending to be snobbish or arrogant.  Usually followed in print and every other way in THIS country by the word, "Nigger".  No definition needed.

I love my wife's family.  Wonderful people.  But there was a post on Facebook the other day from one of her niece's to the effect that it's not right that the President gets to take his family on vacation on the taxpayers dime!  And to such exotic places!  After all, when, "W" was President, he ONLY went on vacation to his ranch.  None of these far away (read: UN-American places).

Well, "W" took more time off than any President in history (which is not a bad thing. I think he did LESS damage while on vacation).  But the tone of the email was really telling.

THIS President shouldn't be able to take vacation on the public dime, but she had no problem with the rest of them doing it?  Gosh, what could possibly be the reason for that?  Cause she didn't vote for him?  Probably.  Cause he's a DEMOCRAT!  And everyone in Utah hates THOSE guys!  Maybe.
Could it be that THAT UPPITY NIGGER DOESN'T KNOW HIS PLACE!?  I'm betting it's this one.  Just sayin.

I had to point out to her that her father, who made his living in the Military and then when he retired from there, the public school system, has ONLY worked as a public servant his entire, adult life.  He has flow on, Military, "Hop's" to take her mother and he to vacation in Hawaii.  And other places.

And as for not taking vacations to, "exotic" places?  Wow.  She must hate her aunt and I.  We, public employees both, even though we always paid our own way, like to vacation in places like Paris, Grenada, Mexico and Belize.  I guess we are totally UN-American?

So, my feeling is, if you don't like this President cause of his politics, or even just because he's a Democrat.  Fine.  I can live with that.

But if you think HE should not be able to do what every other President has done for the history of this country?  And THIS President should have to fly Southwest to take his family on vacation instead of Air Force One?   There is something else there.  You know what I think it is?

See, "Uppity".

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Trayvon, Zimmerman And The Untold Story

If the trial was all about whether or not this flabby, middle aged guy was getting the shit kicked out of him by a teenage boy and felt his only option was to use his gun to save his own life?  Then under Florida law.  The jury got it right.

But that is far from the WHOLE story!

He stood his ground, alright.  But he stood it WAY too late.

Look, Zimmerman is the neighborhood watch guy in his gated community.  You can call him a want a be Cop all you want, but there just isn't enough information to make that statement.  Maybe he's just a guy who was tired of crime in his neighborhood. And he stepped up to do something.

BUT...  When he called in a, "Suspicious" person, someone he didn't recognize, in his community, his job, as a Neighborhood Watch guy was over.  End of story, you are out of it.  The Police are on the way.  The dispatcher even TOLD him to quit following the person that he called in, and the Cops were going to take care of it.

And this is where he SHOULD have stood his ground.  Right where the dispatcher told him to cut it out.  They would handle it from here.

But he didn't.  He had to follow the kid.  And the kid felt threatened.  No one has any idea what, if anything was said between them.  Did the kid say, "Why are you following me?"  Did Zimmerman say, "Hey, I'm with Neighborhood Watch.  Do you live here?"

Who knows.  But between Zimmerman's phone call to 911 and Trayvon beating him up, Zimmerman screwed up.  And it cost a teenager his life.  And that's not right.

And yeah, I think the guy should have gone to prison.  But it's not going to happen.  And anyone who is surprised by this verdict, coming out of the state that stole the election for Bush in 2000, isn't paying attention.

If there were any REAL justice in this country?  George Zimmerman would be sharing a cell with OJ Simpson, and they would both be serving life for Murder.  Well, "life" being as long as it took one of them to make a good, "shank".