Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Romney Wins Michigan. Too Bad.

I was really pulling for Rick Santorum to win Michigan. Even my wife, who pays NO attention to politics most of the time, was pissed about HIS stance on women. I figured that if he won? And was the Republican nominee? Obama could just coast to a win, become the Liberal we all WANT him to be, and things would be cool.

Shit. Mitt, won.

Now, this flip flopping, "I'll do anything to get elected", piece of crap, with a Cadillac on each coast, who hates his dog, and knows NASCAR OWNERS, but doesn't know shit about NASCAR, and wants to be seen as someone who is FOR the common man? Might get to run for President.

I have to admit here, that I don't give a flying fuck at a rolling donut about, NASCAR. Two hundred thousand rednecks, watching 1500 left turns does NOT appeal to me. So I don't want to appear a hypocrite. I think it's a dumb sport. Formula One and Indy racing would be much more appealing to me.

But for, Mitt to SEEM to care about it That's just shitty.

So, if Santorum had won? The Repulicans would have lost 39 states this fall. Now that, Mitt seems to be the front runner? They might lose only, 39 states this fall!

Lets face facts here. The economy is doing much better. Unemployment, even while still bad, is DOWN from when Bush was President. And its Bush's doing that it's this bad. The DOW has hit 13K this week. Highest point since 2007.

We're out of the stupid war in Iraq we didn't need to fight. And we're on our way out the other stupid war in Afghanistan, we didn't need to fight. Both caused by, Bush.

We got the oil, but it didn't get any cheaper after invading Iraq. You Republican's notice that?

Of course not. Morons. You don't WANT to notice that. You got your wish. The rest of us got higher gas prices.

This President, dispite your oposition, has acomplished great things. And in the next four years, when he doesn't even have to pretend to care about what you think, since he can't run again? You're going to get some Liberal shit shoved down your throat!

I'm hoping for single payer, NATIONAL health care! Like the rest of the world has. Repeal of,"Citizens United". And someone to notice that we here in SLC don't get ANY foreign oil, since all ours comes from Eastern Utah, Western Colorado, and Southwest Wyoming, via pipeline.

But our gas prices go up accordingly, like they do nationally. Why is that?



We get punked everytime gas prices go up. Even though all OUR gas comes from right here, in our own backyard. You remember how the pipeline spilled last fall? It was all over the news. But they neglected to tell you that it was the ONLY place we got our crude oil.

Not from Iraq, Iran, Sudi Arabia. It is from Vernal, Geeley, and Rock Springs. But, that being the truth, why do we pay more NOW?
Because oil companies are GOUGING YOUR ASS BECAUSE THEY CAN!

So catch a clue, Utahns. You are getting punked by Exxon/Mobile, and Shell and BP. And who is doing the most oil extraction in Utah, Colorado and Wyoming? Halliburton.

Dick Cheney owns them.He's NOT concered about environmental issues.

Just sayin...

If you work for a living? And you vote for a Republican? You're nuts.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

If You Think, "The Media" Is Controlled By Liberals? You Don't Understand Journalism

Got a Facebook post today from an old friend who doesn't understand how journalism works. He's a pretty smart guy, generally reasonable. But he didn't go to college. And it shows. He was taught WHAT to think, instead of HOW to think.

He posted a New York Times article about, Mitt Romney's campaign stop in Michigan the other day, where he held a meeting for about, being generous here, 1200 people, in Ford Field. The stadium used by the NFL's Detroit Lions. It holds more than 60K people. So it looked pretty empty.

Now, if you read the whole article, it makes it perfectly clear that the original meeting, rally, speech, whatever was supposed to be for about 700 supporters. When it grew too big for that? Well, the group holding the wing ding, some Detroit business group, decided to move it to a bigger venue. As well they should.

High School gym? Fox Theater? The basketball arena at Wayne State University? Nope. Ford Field. All 60K+ seats of it. Great idea. Go big or go home, right? Except you invited the media. And folks in the media have to have college degrees to work in the media. And they notice shit. Because they have an obligation to report the who, what, when, where, why and how of a story.

This is where my old friend loses his mind, and claims the, "Liberal Media" is dogging, Mitt by showing an empty stadium, and trying to minimize his campaign.

Lets break this down by the criteria I outlined above. Who: Mitt Romney, regardless of WHO set up the venue, gave a speech in front of 1200 people.

What: He talked again about how his wife drives two Cadillac's. Luxury cars most Americans can never afford, and she keeps one at the house in New England, and one at the beach house in California.

When: No one disputes the date or time. Just the facts reported there. This is the only thing that the Right Wing does NOT dispute.

Where: Ford, FREAKING Field. No one can argue that. The, "Liberal Media" did NOT set THAT up. The,"Liberal Media" did not underestimate, by 50K+ seats who would show up for this thing. And even the,"Liberal Media", if they were paying attention at all, had to notice how wildly inappropriate this venue was, for what was planned. And only a complete moron, or a journalist who was born after 2008, would not be making the comparison between the last presidential candidate who held an event of any kind, in an NFL stadium (Obama's sell out of Mile High Stadium in Denver) and THIS debacle.

Why: Romney didn't rally the troops, or even win over Michigan. He talked some smack, and again mentioned the right height of the trees in Michigan. Well, he was TRYING to rally the troops to his side in Michigan. I'm pretty sure that if not him, someone in his team THOUGHT that if they held this deal in Ford Field, they could fill it up. Good luck with that.

The average price of a home in Detroit, the last time I looked, was $18K. He said it was a bad idea for Obama to have bailed out the auto industry. He hates Unions. He now opposes national health care, when he pretty much invented the US model of it in Massachusetts (he's a, "Mass Hole").

How: In front of what, someone thought was a good idea, an EMPTY stadium! Not a local auditorium, gymnasium, or theater.

Now, if you report the whole story on this. ALL the facts, it makes, Mitt Romney look like a totally out of touch, totally rich guy, who does not have any idea how the rest of the country lives. Who is fascinated with the height of trees. Who has luxury cars on both coasts. And who thinks that a speech he expected to give to 700 people will all of a sudden, draw sixty thousand!

And all THOSE things taken into consideration? The media who reported it is the problem? WTF?! Really? The problem with this story is the MEDIA? NOT the candidate and his inept team? The problem is the MEDIA reported his incompetent bullshit? Not his staff who ALLOWED the incompetent bullshit?

That is how Republicans think. The problem is not that they do dumb shit. The problem is that NPR REPORTS IT! So take away their funding.

The problem is the New York Times. NOT Mitt Romney.

At times like this, I wish I still believed in, God. I'd ask him to smite the dumb.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Virginia Anti-Choice Law IS Rape. At Least Under UTAH Law. Look It Up

The State of Virginia is debating a law, an Unconstitutional law, that would require women to not only have an ultrasound, but a, "Transvaginal Ultrasound" before having an abortion.

So what, you say? Waiting periods have been ruled Constitutional for everything from buying guns to abortions. Why can't you force a woman to view what's growing inside her before she aborts this possible human being?

Well, for one thing, it's just icky. It doesn't DO anything, but try to shame a woman into making a choice contrary to what she, her doctor, her significant other, and just for the sake of argument, her, God, have already decided.

And I'm sure the right wing nuts in the Utah Legislature are salivating at the chance to pass this law, too. But, there's a problem with that here in Utah.

Some of you might need some more information on this issue before you can follow along with me on this argument. Doesn't mean you are not an informed citizen. It means you didn't spend 23 years in law enforcement like I did. So you don't think like a Cop. Trust me, it's a good thing for you. But be glad you have guys like me who DO.

A, "transvaginal ultrasound" involves putting an ultrasound, "probe" into a woman's vagina, AND using the non-intrusive, on the belly type of ultrasound, with it, to try to prove a fetus' age. One of the, "Talking Heads" on TV last night was quoted as saying, "What's the big deal? You've already been penetrated once." I hope that was a joke, and that no one ever, really said that. Because if it's a true story? It's really, really sick and wrong.

And it just points to the real reason for this law. It's not preventing abortion. You do that by teaching sex education in school, and making contraception easy to get.

This is about a war on women's sexuality. Republicans don't want women to be able to have sex with as many people as Newt Gingrich.

And here in Utah? You already have a law that will prevent this dumb ass Virginia law from being passed.

Here in Utah, if you put something into a woman's vagina, without her consent, it's, Object Rape. And it's a Second Degree Felony. And if you Legislators try to twist logic to say that a woman who wants an abortion, "Consents" to the procedure? You got a HELL of a fight on your hands in the Federal Courts, where people are smarter than you.

You can't have it both ways. You are forcing a woman to CONSENT to the State putting something in her vagina? Really?

You want THIS on the National stage, when this week it was announced that Utah is one of only five states, Americans have a NEGATIVE view of? Along with California, Illinois, New Jersey and Mississippi?

If a woman wants a perfectly legal procedure, an abortion. And you have passed a law that, to get it, she must submit to a sexual assault, as defined by UTAH law? Good luck with that.

Seems the Republican, Mormon, idiots have painted themselves into a corner on this one.

But I'll bet you this. They will repeal the, Object Rape law, it they think they can get, transvaginal ultrasound passed to keep trying to humiliate women who want an abortion.

Any woman who votes for a Republican, for ANY office, is voting against her own, self interest. It's just crazy.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why I Can't Vote For, Bishop Romney

I grew up in Utah.  I married a Mormon (but she grew up in California, NOT Utah).  And I love her dearly.  Her whole family are Mormons.  And they have been nothing but wonderful to me for the last, almost 30 years.  I think, for the most part, Mormon's are really great people.  I'm NOT anti-Mormon.

I'm anti-RELIGION.  I'm an atheist.  Meaning I no longer believe in God, or Heaven, or Hell or any of the scriptures.  ANY of them.  I think they are all total fiction.

Being an atheist is NOT a religion.  It's a LACK of belief in religion.  I don't hate Catholics, or Presbyterians, or Baptists.  I just don't believe anything they DO.

I don't care if my President is religious.  Most people in the country are, so it's expected.  As long as he or she doesn't put religious beliefs above The Constitution.

Bush did, but Reagan didn't?  Funny that.

But I won't vote for, Bishop Romney.  for several reasons.  The first of which, is he's trying to deny his being a, "Bishop" for his, Mormon church!  Either you believe it, or you don't?  Where do you stand, Mitt?  You buy this thing totally, enough to be an ecclesiastical leader?  Or you don't.

And you practically, "invented" Universal Health Care Coverage in, "The Mass Hole", but if Obama thinks it's a good idea?  You denounce it.  Flip, flopping, asshole.

The rest, I have to admit, is just theology.  And I don't HAVE a theology, but this is SO silly.  Golden Plates no one else saw.  Magic under ware.  Planet Kolob.

I don't want ANYONE who believes this stuff in charge of my government.  I want someone who would take advice from economists, and smart people to be the President.  I want a guy who has, Paul Krugman AND Milton Friedman on speed dial as a President.

I want a guy who reads, "The Week" magazine, so he gets the best of BOTH sides of the issue and can make an informed decision.

If we have a President who only buys books, if he READS books, from, Deseret Book, or Costco?  We're going to be in trouble.

If we have a Presidential Administration who only watches, Faux News, we might have...

Oh, wait.  We HAD that.  And we got TWO wars we didn't need to fight for oil company's to get back their shit.  Thousands of dead, tens of thousands of WOUNDED Americans, and hundreds of thousands of killed and wounded Iraq civilians.  But Shell and Exxon/Mobile got their pipelines back.  So I guess it was worth it to the Bush family.

And they were Christians, were they not?

Again.  Religion sucks.  And it costs us all.

Lets legalize marijuana, tax churches, and let Gay people do what the rest of do, and marry so they get the same GOVERNMENT sponsored advantages people who marry in Churches get!  Because if we DON'T?  It's un-Constitutional.

And if you work for a living?  Quit voting for Republicans.  They hate you.  They hate your Union.  And they want you to stay poor and dependant on their shitty pay check while you stock the Wal-Mart, or have to work in the Coal mine.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Utah Senate Majority Leader, Scott Jenkins, (R)atbastard-Plain City On How Much He loves Our Troops

If you can't open the above link? At least on my new lap top,  just click on it, and a little box will appear under it, and it will get you there.  But you need to find it.

State Senator Luz Robles, (D)ecency-SLC introduced a bill today to let members of the Utah National Guard be exempt from paying their property taxes in any year they had been deployed overseas for 200 days or more.  Jenkins lost his shit.

In the clip you will hear him say, "These Guardsmans (sic) get lots, and lots, and lots of advantages!"

He also at an earlier point says, "We buy their clothes and let them shop at the PX".  Small compensation for getting killed in an overseas war, but hey, it his tiny, mind, it's an advantage all the same.

At one point, he says, "I served 7 years in the National Guard.  And I realize it's not the same now, but they get tuition credit.  I never got tuition (obviously, you only got an associates degree at Weber College according to your resume on the Senate web site).

Yeah, Jenkins?  You don't tell us when you served in the National Guard, but judging from your age?  I'm guessing that it was LONG before the Bush Administration was throwing them into a an overseas, "shooting war".  When you though that if the, Evil Empire actually invaded, Weber County, you might have to take up arms.  I'm not going to negate your willingness to serve your country.   Good for you.  But, "realizing it's different now" just doesn't even get what YOU did into the same ballpark.

I'm pretty sure that short of a couple of weekends of bad food and sleeping in tents at Camp Williams every summer (My friends and I used to call that sort of thing, "a camping trip" but admittedly, we didn't have to eat Army food) you're most dangerous duty was filling sandbags on the Weber River.

If you can document that I'm wrong and you really did put yourself at risk to serve our country in a shooting war?  I'll take back everything I just said in the above paragraph and publicly thank you for your service.

If you can't?  You're just a prick.

And after all the, "advantages" these guys get, like free clothing, and PX privileges, and tuition credit, you left a LOT of them out.  Like travel to exotic lands!  You get to see the world.  All the bullets you can shoot.  Free ammo! And last but not least, if they get killed on one of these little, "jaunts"?  The United States Military will fly their body home free of charge.  So their family can PAY to bury them where ever they can afford too, now that they have no income.

I thought that if you died serving your country, the Military would at least bury you.  But according to my wife, who has a brother and a brother in law who are retired Military?  I'm wrong.  I'll defer to her experience, and better judgement.  Again, if I'm wrong?  I'll add THAT to my apology to the Senator.

And last but not least, I have to sight your attitude right before you threw down your microphone, in disgust, at Senator Robles.  Typical, Teabagger, right wing, Republican.  You actually said, "I don't even want to pay MY taxes, let alone THEIRS!"

And there in lies the rub, doesn't it?  Republicans don't want to pay taxes, no matter what the reason.  Democrats know that by paying taxes, we buy Society.

A civil society.  Something that plumber, and Senate MAJORITY LEADER, Scott Jenkins, knows NOTHING about.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Right Wing, "Debate"

Go into a thread on Facebook last night with a new FB friend.  I don't know him well, friend of friend, like the same jokes.  Same old story.

But last night, he posted one of these dumb things with a whole bunch of pictures of the Founding Fathers it said, something to the effect of, "These people want you to have access to guns." 

And right under it, "These people don't.  Who do you trust?"  Again, the usual suspects, Stalin, Castro, Mo, and on the end?   President Obama.  WTF?  When has this administration ever said anything about coming after your guns?

This, word for word, with no corrections what I posted to him:

"I have two new handguns in the basement gunsafe that I bought in the last year. 1000 rounds of handgun ammo. Two shotguns and a rifle and a concealed carry permit good anywhere in the country becuse I'm a retired LEO. And am also a left... wing liberal who voted for the current President, and challenge you to provide even one, credible piece of evidence that he has any intention of changing a single gun law in this country. Beause I'm on the left wing, Democrat mailing list, and haven't heard of this."
Yes, I left in my spelling errors.  There is no spellcheck on the wall on FB, and I'm a notoriously poor speller.  But from now on, I'll remember that, Gun Safe  is two words.
No one took the bait.  No one refuted my argument, or defended his assertion.  But one of his friends typed, and again, this will be without corrections:  "and I just notice that a dumb ass doesn't know English Grammer.  That's all and Obama is a POS"
I left her mistakes in, too.   I corrected her punctuation in the next post.  I'm sure that will be answered with a big, FU.  Don't care.
The sad part of this, is that it shows what now passes for, "debate" in this country.  I don't agree with you, so FU, you lose.  It's the equivalent of, "You're ugly and your momma dresses you funny!  It has nothing to to with the argument.
If you're going to give us all a big, Faux News lie like, the President wants to take your guns away, or Canadians come here for health care, or dropping taxes on rich people helps the poor, you better expect to get confronted on it.  I think those of us who actually read newspapers and books we don't buy at Costco, are getting tired of the mainstream media, who used to be, "The Fourth Estate" let loud mouths like, Faux News and right wing web sites and idiots like, Rich Landry, Cal Thomas, and the worst offender, Anne Coulter get away with pulling anything negative about the Obama's out of their ass and call it truth.
You know how they say, "All politics is local"?  Well, it is in my circle.  And surprise, surprise, it doesn't involve ME!  You know I'D never say anything inflammatory to a neighbor.
I gotta right wing, teabagger type lives on the south, east side of the circle.  When he's talking anything but trees, he's talking Faux News.  He wants his government so small it could drown in a bathtub.  Expect, his wife should keep her job at Murray City's Police Department.  And her benefits.  And likes that the circle has been repaved twice in ten years.  Since he lives on it.  Uses Murray City Water and Power.  Hates that Socialist in the White House.
My neighbor to the north, west is a retired Union guy.  Boilermaker.  Biker.  Understands that with our tax money, we buy Society.  The the Union Movement in this country is solely responsible for this country having a Middle Class and he and his pool and his Harley are glad we did.
I guess, a couple of weeks ago, thy had it out.  The shoot out on Hollow Springs Circle, as it were.  I wasn't here to hear it.  But other neighbors have said they had NO problem hearing it over what ever they were doing inside.
I don't remember the divisions in this country EVER getting this bad.  And of course, I blame the Republicans.  After all, every idea the current President has put on the table, the R's put it there first years ago, in one form or another (Mitt Romney's public health care plan in Massachusetts.  The R's in Congress, "we were for it before we were against it" tax proposals that Obama tried to get them to buy into), but once those same ideas came out of the mouth of Barack Obama?  They were bad!
So, getting back to my original point.  If you're going to argue your political point, be civil and know something about what you're talking about.  Because increasingly, there are a lot of us out there who are tired of just the guy yelling the loudest in his three corner hat, and his dumb ass tea bags, carrying the conversation.
If I know you only marginally, or not at all, or Facebook, and you post something stupid?  I will hit you over the head with, The Truthstick.  De friend me if you don't like me.  You don't hurt my feelings.  You just free up space.
If I DO know you, I'll still tell you when I think you're wrong.  I'll just try to be civil about it.  I promise.   And I'll try to watch my grammar and punctuation.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hypocrisy, They Name Is The Utah Legislature

The Federal Government overreaches and controls too much state land in Utah.  They over regulate everything we do here, and the best control is local control.

BUT!  We want to control what cities in our state do about regulating billboards, since Reagan Outdoor Advertising has given more than a quarter of a million dollars to State Law Makers over the last few years.  We also want to make sure that local politicians can't control whether or not their cites can prohibit discrimination against Gays. Or pass idling ordinances.  Or tell you whether you can wear your gun outside your pants.

Because we know better than you.

Here's a little note to you right wing, stupid, moronic, religiously inspired, nut balls.  Barack Obama and the Federal Government are SMARTER THAN YOU by leaps and bounds!  And you are all out of your minds.

You don't want to teach sex education in schools despite the fact that all studies prove the more information teenagers get about sex, and contraception, the more it PREVENTS unwanted pregnancy, which will lead to FEWER abortions?  AND you want to make it tougher to get an abortion?

I hope all the baby's you FORCE to be born grow up to be atheist, Democrats.  Would serve you right.

You DO realize that this combination of laws makes it look like your only agenda is to keep women, even young women, barefoot and pregnant, with no way to change or control their lives?

Of course you don't.  You're stupid.  It's the same reason you deny climate change, and think lowering taxes on the rich will help the poor.

You do know that no one who went to college believes that, right?  I'm just sayin, it's idiocy, and hasn't worked since you came out with, "Trickle Down Economics" when that asshole, Reagan was President.  But you still seem to be able to sell it to the idiots who think they will, if they work hard enough, at minimum wage, become YOU one day.

Quit trying to be more right wing, and, "Mormony" than the next guy and just take care of business.  Fix the pot holes.  Fund the schools.  Leave the cities alone to govern themselves like you think you should be.  You have no idea how lucky you are to have so much Federal Land in this state that you can't lock up or sell to private interests, so you can hunt and fish it all.

And get out of the liquor business.  It's anti free market, and you don't do it well.  Too much nepotism and fraud.  You want to quit worrying about fine wine?  Let people order the shit from out of state without penalty!

Deer Valley could remain, World Class in the list of ski resorts, and I could get my one bottle of Port a year from, V. Sattui in Napa Valley I would order every fall.

And quit trying to drug test people on welfare.  Why do you care?  They aren't taking your lifetime PEHP, away from you.

I saw the moron sponsoring this ill advised, and TOTALLY unconstitutional piece of legislation on the news tonight, who is allegedly a UHP Trooper, saying, "Every state employee is drug tested."

Bullshit.  I worked for the state for 23 years.  And I was NEVER drug tested.

And this guy is a COP?  Then he should know that what he's proposing is totally, unconstitutional.  You can NOT search someone without probable cause or a warrant.  And a pee test IS a search.  It's an invasion of privacy.

If you're on Probation or Parole?  You consented to THAT search, to stay OUT OF PRISON OR JAIL!  If you're getting welfare?  You didn't.  You asked for the comfy, safety net, that Mitt Romney thinks you're entitled too!

 These guys are totally out of control.  Overbearing, overreaching, and out of control.  They want to punish the poor, make life easier on the rich, and blame the Unions and working people for the problems this country has.

It's only, "Class Warfare" when the under class fights back, it seems!  If we point out how the rich are abusing the REST of us?  Somehow, WE'RE out of line.

To quote, George Carlin, the greatest social commentator of our generation, "These, rich, Republican motherfuckers..."

Said it all.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saw That Comming

Josh Powell murdered his wife instead of getting divorced.  He blamed the West Valley Police for not finding her, but it was only because he hid her body well.  He got people to believe that he took his kids camping on the 6th of December, on one of the coldest nights of the year, on the spur of the moment, at midnight.  He asserts that his wife left the house without her purse, or phone, or her KIDS, and some people believe this bullshit.

I don't fault the Cops in West Valley.  I know they knew.  But it's pretty hard to prosecute a murder case without a body.  After all, if you don't have a dead body, your initial argument that someone was killed is null and void.

Even though we all know it, you have to prove it.

The whole, "Simpson Springs" story is total bullshit.  He KNOWS, Simpson Springs.  He knew the Cops would start looking there.  Years from now, they will find human remains near Vernal, or Price, or, Evanston, Wyoming and figure it out.  Anyone THIS sociopathical had it all figured out before he did it.

And he's been denied the privilege of raising his own children, by a Judge in a Court of Law.  His father is in jail for being a Peeping Tom.  How fucked up is this whole situation?  Well, as, Mojo Nixon would say, "Fucked up to the highest level of fucktivity!

So now, this megalomaniacal, self aggrandizing, sociopath, murdering, asshole, murders again.  His own kids.  Anything he can do to keep up the allusion that he didn't murder his wife.

And in a final, "fuck you" to his wife's family?  He burns down the house, destroys any hope of any evidence, and doesn't even offer them the hope of closure by sending an email to tell anyone where he hid her body.

It's time's like this that I wish I was capable of being religious.  Because this son of a bitch is just dead.  It's over for him.  He suffered a moment for all the suffering he caused to others, and that's just not fair.  I WISH this prick was going to spend eternity in a lake of fire.  If anyone deserves it, it's Josh Powell.

Killed an Innocent wife and two Innocent kids to keep his secret, sorry, disturbed, twisted, life from being uncovered.

What a self centered asshole.

I hope that it's public knowledge where they bury this prick.  I'd like to piss on his grave.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Tenure. Look Into It.

Again, this year, idiot boy, and tsds graduate, Christopher Herrod (R)atbastard, Provo has introduced a bill to eliminate, Tenure for college professors at Universities in Utah (The REAL ones, not the one HE went to).  He has two degrees from a, "university" that  doesn't offer, Tenure to it's professors, and he thinks it's working out just great for them.

Yeah, because they aren't a REAL University!

They are a PRIVATE, religious school, who can hire or fire anyone they want to.  And they can especially FIRE them if they don't toe the party line when it comes to what they teach.

Tenure was introduced more than 70 years ago (according to the SL Tribune) to give college professors, one's in REAL colleges, protection for their jobs if the stuff they were teaching, might be a new idea that would go against the Mormon, er, excuse me,  COMMON knowledge.  As in a new idea, something that would expand the things college students think about.  You know, making people think.  Which is EXACTLY what colleges SHOULD be doing.

Teaching young people HOW to think, instead of WHAT to think!

And, Tenure was there to keep people like the idiot, Herrod, and other Legislators, and Governors from firing them if they didn't agree with what they were thinking.

I'm not surprised that he felt like he had to exempt Utah State, and THE University IN Utah from his rule.  He knew this wouldn't pass if he kept them in.  But I feel sorry for the folks down at SUU.  They have a great national reputation as a small college where you can get a BIG education.  If this bill passes?  They might as well close up shop and call it done.

Who, in their right mind, would choose to teach in a state that PROHIBITS TENURE if they were a good teacher, and someone in a state in it's right mind, would want them?

So, Mr. Herrod, since you don't understand how higher education works, because you don't have one?  Please LEAVE IT ALONE!  It's out of your realm of understanding.

And one other thing while we're at it?  If banning guns on campus is working out so well down at tsds, The PRIVATE school,  and that's their policy, why are you in favor of FORCING THE, University of Utah to ALLOW guns on their campus.  Shouldn't you be in favor of forcing TENURE on the private school?

Oh, never mind.  If you are reading this, and I'm pretty sure you aren't, because I'm pretty sure you can't read, your mind would have just exploded.

Hypocrisy.  They name is, Christopher Herrod.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Your Tax Dollars At Work. At Work.

Today must have been a pay day Friday for Public Employees.  I've lost count after six years.  I only get one check a month now.  And usually, I wait for a quiet, slow day like a Monday or Tuesday afternoon to do my on line banking.  I don't know what got into me today.

About ten o'clock this morning I tried to get into the Mountain America Credit Union web site to pay a couple bills and get a balance on the Visa Card so I could pay THAT off.  I like to do that the first week of every month.

I tried to get in for an hour and a half, with no luck.  I know my connection was working, I was listening to satellite radio on line.  But the public employees Credit Union was just TOO busy!

When I was working, if you got caught doing that stuff at work, you could get fired.  I guess it's OK now?  Or at the least, no one cares?

I asked my favorite clerk at the CU if they were having problems, and she said, "Not that I know if.  But it's always slow on Friday."  The day public employees get paid.  Hummm.  Wonder why?

And while we're at it.  How come there always twice as many public employees in the chat room during the day as there are at night?    It's a mystery.