Sunday, December 22, 2013

I Get A Lot Of Feedback On Pictures Of My Friend

  • I just changed my Facebook picture to one of me with my friend, Lisa Landry, the Comedian, when she was here in SLC in April.

    Lot's of people liked it.

    When Deb and I met her, she was 60 pounds heavier.  No one thought she was hot, but I thought she was pretty.

    Then she loses all this weight.  And when Phil and went to Las Vegas to see her in December of 2011.  And he kept saying, only cause we had been drinking all day in my condo there, "You didn't tell me she was SO pretty!"  I think he said it ten times.

    Since Lisa, not even knowing Phil, came off the stage, and knowing me, and that I was there with a friend, walked right past ME and hugged and kissed Phil on the cheek.  Kind of blew his mind.

    I finally told him, "We didn't drive 600 miles to see her cause she's so pretty!  We MARRIED pretty girls.  We drove all this way cause she's so FUNNY!  Get over it!"

    Now, I posted a picture of me with Lisa, when she was here in SLC last April.  Lots of comments on FB.

    My son said it all when he said, after meeting Lisa at our house a few years ago, "Dad, your friend is HOT!"

    OK, I get it.  She's a really pretty girl.  My best friend and my son thinks so.  So I believe it.

    But I don't see her that way.  Pretty is just a bonus.  She's the funniest comedian in America in my opinion, and I KNOW comedy!

    I loved her work when she looked like a woman who had just had a baby!

    I'll post some pictures, you decide.
The first one is Deb and I when we met Lisa.  The second one is her last album cover.  Truth be known?  I think she's hot in BOTH photos!

You decide.

Listen to her album.  If you think she's funny?  Good.  Does it matter that she's pretty?   If you like comedy, it shouldn't.

End of story.