Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dope. I Don't Smoke It, But I Might...

Despite my pro legalization Letter To The Editor in last Friday's Salt Lake Tribune, I don't smoke Marijuana.  I tried it a handful of times in high school and college, and all it ever did was make me go to sleep.  I got the same effect with a couple of glasses of white wine, and no one was going to put me in jail for, "Possession Of White Wine".

But I'll tell ya what.  If this hip surgery doesn't happen soon?  I'm about to try to find some of my friends who still smoke the herb, and see if they will fix me up!

I HATE narcotic pain pills.  I don't like the bleary eyes, the foggy thinking, the constipation.

And Aleve and Advil are just not doing it.

And I don't want to keep drinking!  That aint' right.

So maybe it's time for one of my buddies to roll a joint with a really curly top, and it's kind of fat in the middle.  And I could smoke me in EFFIGY and see if it takes away the pain!

At this point, I'm willing to try everything.  I think I can make it to Wednesday.  But if they set it back again?  I'm looking to get high.

Just a thought.

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