I don't smoke Marijuana. I tried it a hand full of times in high school and college (this was the late 70's and early 80's. You ever see, "Dazed And Confused"? That could have been MY high school graduation night, but it wasn't) and all it did for me was make me fall asleep. I got the same effect from three glasses of white wine (and that still happens to this day with wine) and you didn't get arrested for having white wine in the 70's and early, 80's.
And I spent 23 years putting people in jail for having, Marijuana. But they were, for the most part, on Probation or Parole, and someone had ordered them to NOT possess or use it.
So I know what I'm talking about. Please give me the credit I deserve for serving as a warrior in the, "War On Drugs" that his country has been waging since the 60's, when I tell you WE LOST! Drugs won, and there is not a damn thing we can do about it!
Yeah, I'd agree that heroin and methamphetamine should be illegal. They destroy lives, and are very addictive. But, crack, which is just, cocaine with baking soda added so you can smoke it, gets ten times as much time in, Federal Prison as, cocaine hydrochloride, which is the stuff you snort in Hollywood or at Frat parties. Why?
I'll tell you why! Crack was used by inner city Black People. "Snorting" cocaine was used by rich, White people. So in the 90's, Congress made the minimum mandatory for Crack, ten times what it was for, "regular Coke". They wanted inner city Black kids to go to prison for ten years, but wanted to make sure that, Biff, and, Buffy who got busted snorting Coke at a local club, still had a chance at probation and wouldn't lose the scholarship.
Meth is the same thing as crack. It is, the MOST addictive, horrible drug ever! It destroys your life faster than anything you have ever seen. I've seen it. Why isn't it getting minimum mandatory sentences like, Crack?
Because it's a WHITE drug! You ever see a Black guy use meth? "OH, HELLS NO!" Black people don't' want to be edgy and nervous for 48 hours at a time! They have to be nervous enough in this country just being, BLACK! The COPS are always watching them! They don't need to have the paranoia that METH brings on top of that!
Meth was run by, White guys with motorcycles, who lived in trailer parks! Right up until the time the Mexicans figured out how to do it better down there, then the motorcycle guys outsourced production. Just like GM.
At one point in the 90's, Mormon, Conservative, Utah, was the THIRD highest producer of Meth in the country. Right behind, California, and Arizona. I couldn't work a week without finding a meth lab.
Now? Not so much. We don't have that many bikers, and it's cheaper to get it from, Mexico.
And there is a movement afoot to criminalize, "spice". WTF? Let me let you in on something. Human beings are programed to seek pleasure over pain. It's just how we are. And no matter how much you criminalize stuff, humans will find OTHER stuff to get high with.
Ignore, "spice", it will go away. Make it illegal, and it's here to stay. Trust me.
Now, back to my original point. Channel 2 tonight reported on a raid of a, Marijuana farm in, Summit County today. They took out thousands of plants. And it took SIXTY OFFICERS and the States Public Safety Helicopter all day to do it.
Rape, murder, theft, DUI. Hell, even driving too slow in the fast lane, which I HATE, deserve more attention than some guys growing, Marijuana! Why don't we legalize it, and empty our prisons, and tax it's sale and growth and end the, Bush caused depression!
As I sit here, drinking my legal, Bourbon, I have to say, that in my experience, alcohol, which the STATE sells, is much more dangerous than, Marijuana. Pot smokers don't want to drive after smoking. They want to sit home, watch movies, and eat tortilla chips.
And we already have laws to deal with people who commit crimes while under the influence of drugs, of any sort. You can't smoke, Pot and drive. And if you steal my car stereo to buy, Pot, you are still going to jail.
Legalize, Pot. Empty the prisons, and jails, and tax the sales. And we would pull this country out of our deficit. Turn the economy right, and quit locking up so many of our young people. It's the right thing to do.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
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