Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's the weather, stupid!

This is, BREAKING NEWS! It has turned cold, wet, and windy here in Utah today, at the end of October! Utah Republicans have called a news conference to claim this PROVES that, Global Warming is a Left Wing, Liberal, hoax to destroy the Coal industry!

Was anyone besides me, surprised to see, Carl Wimmer, Chris Buttars and their ilk call a news conference the other day to tell people that they should vote AGAINST funding a bond for the Natural History Museum? After all, these moron's don't believe in evolution, so should we be surprised that they don't want science taught to people? Of course not!

Should there ever be a movement to build an, "Intelligent Design" museum, these dopes would be all over it! After all, they believe that, "Trickle Down Economics", where rich people get taxed LESS, will help poor people. WTF?

I really love it here in Utah. It's beautiful. Everyone I love is either from here or still here. But I am about at the end of my rope in dealing with the, "Stupid" around here.

Did you read about the folks in the right wing bunker that is Alpine and Highland in Utah Country wanting the school district to remove the word, "Democracy" from their mission statement? How screwed up is that? These people are morons!

They are insisting on a strict interpretation of, The Constitution. Yet they don't understand it at all!

I'm not a lawyer, but as a Cop, I had SO many law classes, that I feel like one. And I know what, The Constitution says about your PERSONAL rights, because I had to make sure I didn't violate any of them. Or I'D end up in jail! Despite what that crazy woman in Delaware thinks? Separation of church and State is PART of it.

I guess it won't change any time soon. So I have to live with it. I think I'll spend some time trying to figure out what college degrees, Shawn Bradley has that made him qualified to be a Vice Principal and, School Counselor in, Chris Buttar's private school that wanted to have vouchers that would take money from Public Schools in Utah. I don't think it will take long.

1 comment:

  1. Some days I can't stand the stupid in Idaho... Glad I don't live in Utah though.
