Sunday, March 20, 2011

"N-Word", "F-Word"? NO. Just SAY It!

We have to talk about language in this country. And we have to have this conversation now. Did anyone watch, "60 Minutes" tonight?

I just tried to Google, "Nigger" so I would get the spelling right. Niger, Neggar, Neggir, I honestly did NOT know how to spell the word. I've HEARD it my whole life. But I've never had occasion to use it. In print. I admit, I was born in the late 50's, grew up in the 60's, so I've USED it. I'm not proud of that. But I have to be honest.

And any white guy who grew up when I did, who says he never used it? He's lying. It was part of our culture in the 60's and even into the 70's.

Recently, a guy in the south, edited, Mark Twain's book's, "Huckleberry Finn" and, "Tom Sawyer" to exclude the 219 uses of the word, "Nigger". He used, "Slave". Instead of, Nigger.

This is wrong. Twain wrote this in the 1850's, before slavery was abolished. And by all accounts, by scholars who study this stuff, he used the word, Nigger on purpose, because he wanted to show how racist our society WAS at the time! It's not just a Novel, it's also a historical account of what we, as Americans were thinking and doing at the time.

Taking the, Niggers out is just wrong.

It was common use at the time, and we should understand that, and realize that we don't use that word now to refer to Black People, or, African Americans. It's hurtfull, racist, and conjures up imagery of lynching, and the Klu Klux Klan. It's a bad word, and we should never, ever use it.

If your white.

But if you're Black? Well, calling someone, "Your, Nigger" is a good thing!


Help me out here, Black People. If you don't want anyone to use it, and you should, why are YOU still using it?! Is it bad or not?

If you call me a, "Cracker", or a, "Hill Billy", I'm guilty as charged. I'm from West Virginia. But my dad was a rocket scientist, and my mom has a college degree. And so do I. And I'm a Liberal and in favor of equality, even for my Gay friends. And that was TOUGH when I was a COP, because it wasn't popular.

I'm the only Hill Billy you know who WON'T call you a, Nigger. I won't use the word.

Oh, wait. I might. I was in Law Enforcement for 20+ years.

And I have to agree with, Chris Rock. He said in one of his shows, "I love me some Black People. But when I go to a cash machine in Los Angeles at night, I'm worried about NIGGERS!"

True story, Chris. I'm white as the day is long. But when I go the cash machine in West Valley City, I'm worried about, "Spam Sucking, Trailer Trash who lives in Chesterfield". White Trash.

White Trash as a term, has sometimes been called, "racist". Because it adds, "trash" to White. Nope. We all know that it's the equivalent of white people who live in NICE neighborhoods, describing the people they DON'T want to be.

And the Black People I know, and it's very few since I live in Salt Lake City, know the difference between, Niggers, and Black People.

So lets quit using the term, "N-Word", and, "F-word" because it's just fucking wrong. Use the language! All of the words. It's a great language.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to move to a place where "stupid" or "hate" are not considered swear words, but just a way of expressing feelings. lol. I am moving out of mormon territory!
