Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why I Can't Vote For, Bishop Romney

I grew up in Utah.  I married a Mormon (but she grew up in California, NOT Utah).  And I love her dearly.  Her whole family are Mormons.  And they have been nothing but wonderful to me for the last, almost 30 years.  I think, for the most part, Mormon's are really great people.  I'm NOT anti-Mormon.

I'm anti-RELIGION.  I'm an atheist.  Meaning I no longer believe in God, or Heaven, or Hell or any of the scriptures.  ANY of them.  I think they are all total fiction.

Being an atheist is NOT a religion.  It's a LACK of belief in religion.  I don't hate Catholics, or Presbyterians, or Baptists.  I just don't believe anything they DO.

I don't care if my President is religious.  Most people in the country are, so it's expected.  As long as he or she doesn't put religious beliefs above The Constitution.

Bush did, but Reagan didn't?  Funny that.

But I won't vote for, Bishop Romney.  for several reasons.  The first of which, is he's trying to deny his being a, "Bishop" for his, Mormon church!  Either you believe it, or you don't?  Where do you stand, Mitt?  You buy this thing totally, enough to be an ecclesiastical leader?  Or you don't.

And you practically, "invented" Universal Health Care Coverage in, "The Mass Hole", but if Obama thinks it's a good idea?  You denounce it.  Flip, flopping, asshole.

The rest, I have to admit, is just theology.  And I don't HAVE a theology, but this is SO silly.  Golden Plates no one else saw.  Magic under ware.  Planet Kolob.

I don't want ANYONE who believes this stuff in charge of my government.  I want someone who would take advice from economists, and smart people to be the President.  I want a guy who has, Paul Krugman AND Milton Friedman on speed dial as a President.

I want a guy who reads, "The Week" magazine, so he gets the best of BOTH sides of the issue and can make an informed decision.

If we have a President who only buys books, if he READS books, from, Deseret Book, or Costco?  We're going to be in trouble.

If we have a Presidential Administration who only watches, Faux News, we might have...

Oh, wait.  We HAD that.  And we got TWO wars we didn't need to fight for oil company's to get back their shit.  Thousands of dead, tens of thousands of WOUNDED Americans, and hundreds of thousands of killed and wounded Iraq civilians.  But Shell and Exxon/Mobile got their pipelines back.  So I guess it was worth it to the Bush family.

And they were Christians, were they not?

Again.  Religion sucks.  And it costs us all.

Lets legalize marijuana, tax churches, and let Gay people do what the rest of do, and marry so they get the same GOVERNMENT sponsored advantages people who marry in Churches get!  Because if we DON'T?  It's un-Constitutional.

And if you work for a living?  Quit voting for Republicans.  They hate you.  They hate your Union.  And they want you to stay poor and dependant on their shitty pay check while you stock the Wal-Mart, or have to work in the Coal mine.

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