Thursday, June 21, 2012

Stop Bringing Up Mitt's, Mormonism!

Yeah, I agree with, Neil Campbell of my own home town, Murray who wrote a letter to the editor in today's Tribune.  Stop bringing up Mitt's Mormonism!  It's just not fair to keep this as an issue in the Presidential race.  After all, it has no bearing on whether or not he'd be a good President.  it's totally irrelevant.

Well, if you're an atheist like me?  I don't care what religion you belong to?  I'm a little concerned that you believe in ANY of them.  I question your sanity.  But be that as it may?  Lets talk about local media, Mitt's Mormonism, and how ANY ONE'S Mormonism is covered around here.

I'll agree to quit mentioning the fact that Mitt's a Mormon if the Mormons will quit mentioning that anyone who's doing well in the world, is one, too.

Can we quit calling the country group, Shedaisy a MORMON country music group?  Will you quit telling the world that, David Archuletta is a MORMON, American Idol finalist?

You all are going to eat those words when he comes, "out" in a few years.  Trust me.  20 years in Probation And Parole?  I have better, "Gaydar" than some of my Gay friends.

Can we quit calling the Marriott's and Huntsman's, MORMON industrialists, instead of just good businessmen?

Can you quit calling Steve Young a MORMON NFL Hall of Famer?  Can you quit calling, Tye Detmer, a MORMON Heisman Trophy winner?

Now that Julianna Hough's lap dance scene was cut from the movie, "Rock Star", can you quit calling her a MORMON actress/singer?

If you're upset that Romney is identified as a MORMON, cause it's unusual (only 2% of the country identifies as LDS) and yet, you keep going nuts over any Mormon who gets famous?  How do you figure you can have it BOTH ways?

You WANT people to be identified as MORMONS when they do something positive.  Like almost win, "American Idol".  Or get famous in country music.

But if your Presidential candidate is asked tough questions about not admitting Blacks to the Priesthood, or, "Planet Kolob"?  That shit is WAY out of line!  YOU can't ask about that!


In for a dime, in for a dollar.  You either believe your religion, all of it.  And you are willing to stand behind it, and say yes, "This is what I believe.  I believe my holy scriptures that describe MY God living on Planet Kolob, and married to multiple wives that were sealed to him in our Temple on earth!"

Or you don't.

And if I, or guys like me call you on it?  Well, you have two options.

You can rant and rave about how it's not right to call a candidate out on his religion!  And that's bullshit.  It's TOTALLY right to question the belief system of someone who's running for POTUS.

Or you can stand your guns and say, "This is what I believe.  And we know these things to be true, and we say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen".

Cause if you don't do THAT?  You're a lying motherfucker.  In one way or the other.  You believe it?  Or you don't.

And I don't want that guy to be my President.  Either way.

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