Tuesday, September 20, 2011

DADT Is History. About Time!

I didn't wake up one day and DECIDE to like girls.  I always liked girls.  I would rather hang out with girls than guys, every time.  The girls had the vagina's.  And every part of me wanted to get close to one of those when I was a teenager.

I should not have to even mention breasts here.  EVERY guy wants to get next to the tits.  It is the forbidden fruit we all want.  We can't help ourselves.  And if you are a 13 year old male and you don't lust after tits?  You're Gay.  This is how you tell.  Trust me.

So as an adult, when I got to know a lot of people while working in Law Enforcement, I got to know some Gay folks.  And without an exception (well, crazy assed, Valarie was crazy.  So that's ONE), they were good Cops, and good people.  They didn't CHOOSE to be Gay.  Any more than I CHOSE to have curly hair.

So today, I'm so happy for my friend, Rich.  He can now not have to worry about his military career because he's Gay.  He's a great person, was a good Cop, and served his country with aplomb and dignity.

When he transferred to the SLC office of AP&P, it was obvious to me, that he was Gay.  I had better, "Gaydar" than a lot of Gay guys.  I'd been working Probation/Parole for a LOT of years.  You can read people.  You become a human lie detector.  My kids hate it.  They can't lie to me.

So when I hung out with Rich, I kind of tortured him until he came clean with me.  We did an extradition together to Reno, and I took him to a stripper bar.  There was a really pretty, Russian stripper who really liked him and I kept paying her to hang out with him.  Bought him a cigar.  Got him really drunk.  It was fun. Years later, he's hanging out with my friends in the back yard having a cigar and he said to me, "You knew I was Gay when we were in Reno, didn't you?"  Oh, HELL YEAH.  And way before that.

So I got to fuck with him for not being honest with me from the word, GO.  But that's OK.  I understand.  But I'm so Liberal, and I thought EVERYONE knew it, that I was kind of disappointed my friend didn't pick it up.

So today, I have to say, Good On Ya!  It's a great day.  And I'm proud to know you, Rich and I'm proud that my country has finally gotten over this bullshit.  There is still a struggle to be fought.  But this is a start and it's a great day.

Republicans suck ass.  And, "Christians" aren't.  Keep on keeping on!

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