Sunday, October 30, 2011

Let's Talk About Religion. Or Lack There Of.

If you've been paying attention, you know I'm an Atheist.  I don't believe in God, or Heaven, or Hell or anything that isn't science.

That does NOT mean I'm ANTI-RELIGION!  Well, yeah it does. But not like you're thinking.  I'm against religion playing a part in our society.

If someone made me King Of The World tomorrow, I would not, under any circumstances, make a law that would outlaw anyone practicing their religion.  If it makes you feel good, and you really believe in it and it is a part of you life?  And it's not hurting anyone else?  Why would any government outlaw that?  Makes no sense.

Even radical Islam.  You can BELIEVE it all you want.  You fly a plane into a building and kill people?  We are going to kill you back.  Ask, Osama if you can find his dead ass in the ocean.

I'm the only Liberal I know that hates, "hate crime" laws.  Well, me and, Jim Canto who put this on my wall so I expect he's OK with me posting it.  If I punch you in the nose, no matter what I'm thinking, the crime is punching you in the nose.  It doesn't MATTER what I'm thinking when I do it!

So, from a guy who was SO into his religion that he actually thought of becoming a Presbyterian Minister when he was in High School, I have to say, religion is bullshit.  It causes too much hate and discontent in the world.

It's all a lie.  It's not true.  And yet, it causes normal, usually right thinking people to do crazy shit.

It causes people who work for a living to vote for Republicans because of their fear of gun control and abortion.  When they really need to worry about health care and pensions. 

Jesus has screwed the working people for SO long with the help of the Republican Party!  Yet, the guys working for an hourly wage still keep voting to help the rich.  I can't believe it.  But it's still happening.

Look folks.  If you believe in Jesus.  And you believe what he said about the meek inheriting the earth, and the the money changers being wrong.  And you WORK for a living.  You earn an HOURLY wage, and you still vote for folks who make millions, you are out of your mind.

If you WORK for a living, instead of having a living HANDED to you?  You're a Democrat.

That doesn't mean you can't believe in God.  But it does mean that the Republican's don't OWN the, "whole God thing", OK?

1 comment:

  1. You are always fascinating. And this is from a Presbyterian Minister! I will only say that human nature has its dark sides with or without religion. I would like to believe (and do so) that
    actually following through on some of the more virtuous aspects of religion can and does change the world. Wilbur Wilberforce did it in England while the fine Presbyterians in our country divided over slavery. Some how, they missed the good news they were supposed to deliver.
