Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yes, Officer, I DO Have A Gun In The Car...

I'm going to get pulled over in Utah County this weekend.  Either on Thursday going South, or on Sunday coming North.

My friend (and yours, Murray folks) Al has invited my wife and I to go with him and his wife to Las Vegas this weekend to see Jimmy Buffett.  He's done quite well over the last few years gambling at the MGM casinos.  And they keep offering him perks to get him to come back, so they can try to win their money back.  They never do.  He's really lucky.

So we're going down there this week, and we have a suite at, The Aria.  Tickets to Jimmy Buffett.  Meals comped, limo ride to the concert.  This is going to be a HUGE experience for me and my wife.  We've never been treated like this before.  So, I told, Al I'd drive.  I don't mind.  Long trips are why I bought the Audi.

But, it's a political season.  And I have, "U of U" license plates on my car.  So most of the time I drive south, I get pushed into the, "boarder patrol" stop in Lehi.  I have to prove I don't have any alcohol or books in the car.  Show them that I AM carrying a handgun.  It gets old.

But this year?  It's going to be a BUNCH of stops.  I have the plates from THE University in Utah.  The one picked for the PAC 12, which rubs those guys down there so raw, they keep chanting, "1984!  1984!..."  Like it will help.

And I have this magnet bumper sticker I bought at the, "Margaritaville Store" in Las Vegas years ago, that I put on the car every year we drive down there.  It's a big margarita glass with the drink spilling out, and it says, in bright red letters, "IT'S MY OWN DAMN FAULT".

But this year?  I have another one on the back of the car.  It's brown, and has a picture of a Black Lab on it.  It says, "DOGS AGAINST ROMNEY: I RIDE INSIDE".

Oh, that's going to piss them off.  Especially since after tonight?  My Labrador would prove to be a better debater than Mitt.

So, I expect that it will take us a LONG time to get south of Utah County on Thursday.  Might be late at night before we get to the casino.

But I have a plan.  I'm going to smuggle a bottle of whiskey INTO Nevada from Utah.  So I don't have to worry if Costco and Trader Joe's are already closed.  Don't tell the Utah County Nazi's.  I'm hiding it in my suitcase.  Right under the extra ammo for the handgun.

Oh, this could be an epic weekend.  I hope to watch, Al hit a, "bigassed" jackpot just to say I've seen it happen one time.

Me?  I've got some cash money American and might take a few chances.  Or not.  I'll let you all know when I'm down there.

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