Friday, November 16, 2012

AMMO, AMMO, AMMO! Come On Down!

Yep, it's coming.  Any day now.  The President who has only signed TWO gun laws in his first FOUR years, the ones allowing you to take a gun onto an Amtrack train and into a National Park, is coming for YOUR gun!

And hey, having spent some time on Amtrack trains and in National Parks?  Boy, those are two places I want to be armed!  I don't know about you...

So get your ammo now.  I don't know what you were thinking that you didn't stock up MONTHS ago!  After all, this happened right after the Socialist, Kenyan, Muslim who's Christian Minister you hated during the campaign, won the LAST election!  I guess you guys thought that Romney actually had a chance?  Silly you.

Come on down to, "Less Crazy Than You, Jeffrey's Ammo Emporium"!  As a Liberal Democrat who kind of figured that Romney would lose 49 states, and you folks would go bat shit crazy, and I mean that in a, Michele Bachman way, I bought up all the ammo I could LAST year.

While you were figuring on a Romney win?  I was betting on you being out of your mind.  And as, "President Scary Black Guy" said to, "Too Mormon and Icky To Win" on election night?  "I won, you lost."  Time to pay the piper.

Whether you want .22 or 454 Express (to shoot that Republican ELEPHANT who lead you astray), I've got it all!  In my secret warehouse in Utah, it's stacked wall to wall, tree top tall.  I'll give you a 10% discount on handgun ammo.  Since the chances are, if you're buying THAT?  You are going to shoot yourself or a loved one.  And as a Liberal?  We LOVE having less of you around!  And without a National Health Care Plan?  Chances are, you won't make it.

This is my little sacrifice to save America.  After all, I'm nothing if not a Patriot!

So, send in our order, to, yourenutsandyoudon'

I'll be happy to sell you any ammo you need.  $40 a bullet, two for $90.  Delivery as soon as your credit card clears.

All pick up orders at the secret location must be paid in cash only (yes, US Currency).  No personally minted gold or silver coins will be accepted.  I don't care WHAT the Utah Legislature says.

I look FORWARD to robbing you idiots blind, er, doing business with you!

And if you can't come to us?  We'll come to you!  Dial our 800 number.  Well, it's NOT really an 800 number.  After all, my mission is to GET your money, and exploit your fears and paranoia.  Not make it easy for you.

So pay the fee and dial, 223-357-9MM.
Good luck with that.

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