Sunday, November 4, 2012

How To Shut Down Arguing About Politics On Facebook

Any one reading this belong to their high school debate club?  You remember the first thing they teach you about debate?  He who asserts must prove.

So when you get into a debate, argument on Facebook and you want to stop it?  Ask for their evidence.  Make them show where they get their, "facts".

And also, ask them for their, "CV".  Most folks just know that, CV means a history of your qualifications.  But it actually means, Curriculua Vitae.  Which means, um.. well?  The history of your qualifications.  I know.  I can hear my friend, Lisa the comedian saying, "That's funny".  Cause it is.

But know this.  If you ask someone for their, "CV" and they look at you like they don't know what you're talking about?  They don't have a CV.

And tonight, I spent too much time arguing with a moron on Facebook.  I asked this guy, who asserted that he knew the human condition and how people thought better than I did.  Despite my Sociology Degree, Minor in Psycohology and 23 years in law enforcement.

But I asked him three times to give me his educational background and tell me what OTHER countries he's visited.  And he wouldn't answer the question.

He just kept quoting the bible.  Which is total fiction.

I have to ask myself why I bother with these people?

So, when you're on Facebook and and you get flustered?  Ask folks for their, "CV".  When they can't answer THAT question?  Quit arguing with them.  They are stupid, and YOU win.

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