Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I'm beginning to wonder who the GOP stays upright under the weight of it's own stupidity.  Don't know what I'm talking about?  Pay attention.

I saw a woman drive by me in an SUV yesterday in a parking lot.  She had her Walmart name tag hanging for the rear view mirror and a Romney sticker on the back of the car.  This person does NOT get it.  If you're working at Walmart, and that's that's the best you can do?  Mitt Romney is NOT your candidate.  He wants to keep you as a part of the permanent underclass that he and his Capitalist buddies can hire for next to nothing, cause there are no GOOD jobs out there.

In the last few days, a woman who's a Teabagger leader in Texas said Obama fried his brain on drugs, which is why he needs a teleprompter.  Why is it that when Republican leaders use teleprompters, these nut balls can't seem to see them?  I see them.  EVERY politician worth his salt uses them.  Sarah Palin wrote on her hand.  You would rather have THAT I suppose?

And you Mormon, Utah, Republicans should be shouting this line down louder than anyone.  I've watched some of you Conference and every, single one of those old guys use a teleprompter when they give a speech.  And they are supposed to be telling you information that came directly from God's mouth to THEIR ear!  If anyone SHOULDN'T need a teleprompter its a prophet of God, telling you WHAT GOD says!

Obama is coming for your guns.  A northern Utah rancher was quoted using this line a few weeks ago in an article about why rural Utahan's didn't vote for Obama (if an article never needed to be written, it was THAT one.  Gee.  Who doesn't know the answer to that question?) and I have to say, based on what?  In what universe does the scary Black man had a pocket full off anti-gun legislation he's just waiting to cram down your throat in his second term?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, because Republicans seem to be as immune to hearing this, as they are to seeing THEIR guys using teleprompters (could be the tin foil on their heads).  The only two pieces of legislation affecting guns that the President has signed allow you to NOW take a loaded gun into a National Park and onto an Amtrak Train.

Now, in light of the recent rash of silly shootings (Colorado last summer, the football player in Kansas City and Portland today) there will probably be some gun control legislation introduced, but the President won't do it.  And it probably won't help.  Especially in the Kansas City situation, as by every account the kid who killed his girlfriend then himself was a fine upstanding citizen who never had a felony and no one saw this coming.  He could have bought a gun legally, as he did, even with more restrictive gun laws.

Bob Costas might have been right about the effects of all those hits to the head, but I think he missed the boat on calling for gun control because of this.

Raising taxes on the rich will cost THOUSANDS of working poor their jobs.  I heard Mike Lee utter this nonsense on Channel 2 last week, and Rod Decker was too nice (or chicken shit) to call him on it.  It's just a giant lie.  No reputable economist would back this up.  It's the same bullshit that they tried to sell since the 80's as, "trickle down economics".  That the, "job creators" need lower taxes to create jobs.

If you believe this, have you read a newspaper since 2005?  Cause the Bush tax cuts did ANYTHING but create jobs.

We have the best health care system in the world.  No.  According to the World Health Organization, we have the 17th best health care system in the world.  Behind Cuba.  And now, having experience with both health systems, ours and Cuba's?  I'm going to go with Cuba for the average persons day to day health care.  You break your leg in Cuba?  You won't go broke getting it fixed.

I have great health insurance and I just got a bill for $2K for my little two and a half day stay in the hospital.  I can pay that.  But that's a chunk of change for someone working at Walmart and thinking they should vote for Romney.  Trust me.

Look folks, if you only get your news from, "faux news", if you don't read newspapers, if you don't pick up a book once in a while that you didn't buy at Costco?  You're going to stay dumb.  And you will believe all the crap above.  Don't.  It's all a lie.  And if you believe it?  You're dumb.

1 comment:

  1. I am not even about to say I agree with you, I may think it or type it, but dammit I am too stubborn to say it. LOL In case you didn't notice on FB I tended to argue against both sides. A debate teacher I had said that is always the best way to get the clearest picture of an issue. Sit down and debate both sides like your life depended on you convincing someone of your view. I have to admit that advice has saved my butt a time or two. Good job my friend!
