Saturday, December 12, 2009

Public Option

Democrats have a majority in the House, and Senate, and they still can't pass a bill with a, Public Option? WTF? I NEED a PUBLIC OPTION! My wife is going blind, and my 21 year old, Autistic daughter takes $300 worth of drugs each month just to function.

And the Republican's in the Utah Legislature took away my retirement health care a few years ago. After promising it to me for 20 years. But they kept it for themselves.

Serve 20 years in the meth labs, and prisons of Utah, in Law Enforcement? You get nothing. Serve a few years in the Legislature? You get lifetime PEHP for you and your family.

Republicans suck ass. And if you work for the State, and vote for any of them? You're an idiot. They hate you. And they will keep screwing you.

And, Ki Willis is the dumbest person in the world, because he works for the state., and he's a, Republican. It's because he didn't really go to college. A total Moron.

If you WORK for a living, you're a, Democrat. Even if you don't knonw it.

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