Thursday, December 24, 2009


Boy, Christmas is much easier when your kids are older. My daughter, who's, Autistic is 21 and totally focused on the WWE (Autistics get focused on something for a while, and it's their whole life) was easy to shop for. I long for the days when she would obsess about, "The X Files". Wrestling? Really? Your parents went to college and we don't live in a trailer. Wrestling? Whatever.

My son is 13, and video games on line with his soccer team buddies is all that's important if they are not actually, playing soccer. And he's old enough to not have to bother with the whole, "Santa Myth". Which is a lot like the whole, "Jesus Myth" which is the, "reason for the season" for religious nuts.

I was born on December 25, 1958. I share a birthday with a, "Deity". Jimmy Buffett. And a lot of people's imaginary friend, "Jesus".

I've SEEN, Jimmy Buffett. Many times, in person. Jesus? Not so much.

Have a happy holiday season, no matter what holiday you like. And to all, a Good Night.

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