Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Socialism" Tea Bag style vs. Reality

A friend of mine stopped by on his way home from work last night. And he's worried that his insurance will not take him to, "Medicare" age. Tell me about it. I have to buy insurance next June, since the, Republicans in the State Legislature took away my retirement health insurance they promised me for 20+ years after I signed on for the State job in 1983, in 2006.

Two years before I could retire.

He said something that I found very, profound. He said, "I'm tired of all these, "Harley Rides" and, "Fund Raiser's" for some kid who has a horrible disease! Why don't we have a National Health Care Program like the rest of the civilized world, that would treat ALL the sick kids!?"

Good question. It works in, Canada, Mexico, France, England, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Brazil, Portugal, and EVERY WHERE ELSE!

Hell, I've been there and as much as most of the country's system's suck, CUBA has a BETTER health care program than WE have!

Republicans will tell you that the, "Free Market System" is the best answer to everything. That, "Big Government" is not the answer, because it will cost you more in taxes.

Hell, this week, some, Republicans were even apologizing to, BP for making them pick up the tab on the oil spill in the Gulf. Mike Lee of Utah being one of them! And he's not even ELECTED yet! But he thinks the Tax Payers should pay for the clean up, so we don't penalize, BP? And THAT isn't a, "bailout"? WTF?

So, if I'm paying, $1000 a month for my family's health insurance, as I will be next year, as YOU are NOW as part of my retirement package from the, State Of Utah; and with a National Health Care Program, I might pay a couple of hundred dollars more a YEAR in taxes. As everyone would. While NOT paying insurance premiums, at ALL (for you, "Tea Baggers, I'll do the math for you, since you're dumb. 1K a month for a year = 12 thousand dollars. A tax increase of $200 a month to fund a National Health Care Program would work out to, 200 X 12=$2400, and $200 a month is WAY over what it would REALLY be. I'm fucking with you on purpose) Wouldn't we ALL be ahead?

We don't need to have private insurance. As the, "free market" Republicans think, if we need it, it will prosper. And I'm sure it will. Extra insurance, to cover, "elective" surgery, could make a go in this country. It has in others. But I kind of doubt it.

And when the, "R's" tell you that folks from, Canada come down here for health care, and that people in, Europe are dying because the have to WAIT to be treated? It's a TOTAL lie! Total, "Faux News", Republican, Bullshit! It isn't happening, and won't happen here.

Let's vote for health care that's like, Social Security. The government CAN do, SOME stuff better than private industry. And we could do this now. Don't vote for, Republicans, and read a paper now and then.

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