Friday, January 22, 2010

This was quite and event. Lots of singers I didn't recognize, after all, I'm 51. But still, good effort by the entertainment industry, to help those less fortunate. I was in tears at some of the stories.

Heck, even, "The Material Girl", Madonna showed up. Thank you, Madge!

Who didn't show up? "Faux News."

MSNBC was there. Comedy Central delayed their Friday night comedy programs. HBO? Check. CNN? Check. "Faux News"? Not, so, much.

You say, "Compassionate Conservative! I say, BULLSHIT!"

Who can turn your back on these, poor, miserable, victims in favor of showing, Hannity, and his ilk, spewing their hatred for the President (and not the one who got us into two wars we didn't need to fight) when there is a legitimate, global, crisis in our mitts? Only, "Faux News", Roger Ailles, and his boss, Rupert Murdoch.

Oh, and the, Spam sucking, trailer trash, uneducated, dumbass, morons who watch, "Faux News".

There. I said it. If you watch, "Faux News" you are a moron. I'm OK with it because it's true.

And I anticipate your response will be: Go back to France! God hates you! You're some kind of a Communist! But you won't capitalize, "Communist".

And I don't believe in, God. And he doesn't get a vote in the next election.

Start reading newspapers, and quit watching, "Faux News", and you might get it someday. But I doubt it. Because if you all went to college at all, you went to a, "University" that has a, Suite Number and not a campus. And that's not REALLY a college. And sure as hell, ain't a, "University".


  1. So because I didn't watch Hollywood I don't care about the Haitians? Because FOX News didn't have an entertainment show on their channel they turned their backs on the Haitians?

    What about your ilk and hatred directed at all Republicans and conservatives? I still think you're a tool and mouthpiece of MSNBC and Keith O.

    I like spam, don't live in a trailer, have a BS and MS degree from "legitimate" universities, believe in God and sometimes I watch FOX News, or CNN or MSNBC or whatever. I'm not a dumb-ass or moron either!

    Your continued broad brush of conservatives and Republicans only shows your narrowness and fate of living in Utah. Being a liberal doesn't mean you have to be a spewer of hate. Educated people use better language and arguments in public to discuss or argue their opinions and points. Try some positive blogs once in a while.

  2. I don't hate. I just point out. How much money did you give to Haitian relief?

  3. Oh, and it's, "Olberman". I wish I worked for him, or MSNBC, or even, "Faux News". I'd be earning a lot more than a retired COP from Utah. Is that, "Positive" enough for you?

    The difference between, MSNBC and, "Faux News" is that, even though you hate him, Olberman is telling the truth, and can back it up. You're side? Not so much.

  4. And, "Fate of living in Utah"? WTF does that mean? It's the most beautiful state in the Union. I was born in West Virginia. If my father, the rocket scientest, hadn't been transfered out here, I'd have grown up THERE! My FATE was GOOD! Where do YOU live? And what are your, "ligit" Universities? You don't say, and any high school debator knows that he who asserts, must prove.

  5. UPDATE: You must see Jon Stewart’s takedown of Olbermann!

    Hopefully the link came through...

  6. Try this...sorry for the first post not working:

    By the way, you got his last name wrong above! "O" is easier, plus it reflects his class: zero! Just saying...

  7. I saw, Stewart kick his ass. As well he should. Did YOU see, Olbermann's response? Contrite. To say the least. You still didn't answer my questions. Ligit, "Universities"? Which one's? Do they have a campus or a room number? And where do YOU live? Afraid to answer? Typical, "R". Won't tell the truth. I'm enjoying this debate, Sapper. Keep bringing it, because I will.

  8. No I didn't see his response. I'm not sure he can be contrite...but I'll take your word.

    I graduated from a MWC university for my BS and a PAC 10 university for my MS. By choice, I don't live in Utah!

  9. Really? Which ones? And give me some information, like your NAME so I can confirm it! And DOB? Bet you won't do it? And bet you're a lier. No one who got learned in the PAC 10 won't tell the truth.

  10. Still waiting for, sapper05 to answer my questions, and provide some way to confirm he/she/it is telling the truth. Not forthcoming, and it's been several days now. Typical right wing, "Faux News" type of deal. Make a big bluster, and accuse me of being wrong, but refuse to actually debate the points. Just call me a liar. I think, sapper05 has just proved everything I say to be true.
