"Tyranny: A government in which a single ruler is vested with absolute power, 2. Absolute Power, esp. when exercised unjustly or cruelly."
This is from, "The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language", a copy I bought in college, and keep down here by the computer because I'm a lousy speller. But since things changed a lot slower in the 70's, I bought this in 1977, and it's last printing was 1971. But the definition of the word has not changed in all these years.
I told you that, to tell you this.
I got a post on the FB Wall tonight from a friend who, "liked" some notice about, "I'm voting to end Tyranny and take back our freedoms in November". She does not know the definition of, Tyranny. Or doesn't understand it. Or chooses to willingly ignore it.
If you think the, Obama Administration has brought, "Tyranny" to you, you are going to have to do a better job of showing us how. Because I'm going to show you how they haven't.
You still have the freedom to die as you wish because you can't afford health care. Because we don't have a national health care plan. THAT hasn't been, tyrannically FORCED on you, because the, Republican MINORITY kept it off the table for discussion.
Oh, and just so we're still on the same page, since you, "Tea Baggers" are as dumb as a box of hammers, the fact that the OTHER party WON the last election? That's NOT, tyranny! That's winning an election! Your side lost, live with it.
Have you, tyrannically been deprived of your, sacred guns? Nope! But your side did create an unnatural run on ammunition after the election so I had to pay WAY too much money for ammo to shoot MY guns. But I had some stock in ATK, and they make bullets, so I did OK. I gave all the money to Democrats, by the way.
Oh, and I bought a new gun a few months ago. I didn't even NEED it, I just liked it. I had the right kind of ID, and a credit card that worked, and in 15 minutes, I walked out of the shop with a new high powered, stainless steel, .357 six shooter! It has a muzzle flash like a Cessna hitting a high tension wire. It's awesome!
I stole the line about the, "Cessna" from, P.J. O'Rourke. He's one of my favorite writers, and he's a Republican. But a smart one.
Oh, for the, "Tea Baggers"? "Writers" are people that, "write" books, and articles for newspapers and magazines.
And have your religious practices been, tyrannically oppressed? Can you no longer worship your superstition as you please? Hell, if I was the President, I'd push to have religions no longer be tax exempt, and that would sure as hell balance the budget and lower the deficit! Just the money the, Mormons would owe on that Temple that overlooks the entire southwest end of THIS valley would pay off the national debt!
Have your religious schools been closed? Is, Baylor still in operation? How about, Notre Dame or, Boston College? Other than being shut out of the PAC 10 because they are a joke and hate Gay people, has BYU had to shut it's doors? I don't see any tyranny here.
So, "Tea Baggers", what freedoms, exactly have you lost? Where has, tyranny raised it's ugly head? And where were you people, you DUMB people, when, "Shrub" was trampling the Constitution you think was, "divinely inspired" to tap you phone, and invade countries that were no threat to us, so his buddies in the oil business could get back their stuff in Iraq that, Hussein stole from them 30 years ago when he nationalized the oil industry?
Obviously, the public schools, at least here in Utah, are not doing their job. Yet, how could they with the way our, Republican, Mormon, Legislature refuses to give them any money. But we don't have armed insurrections every four years in this country, (Tea Baggers, go look up, "insurrection" on your own. I'm tired of having to explain the, "college words" to you). We have elections. And the fact that you lost one, does not mean you are now under tyrannical rule! You just lost the election. Get over it.
The real problem here, is that you lost the election to a Black man! And you hate that. THAT'S the REAL reason you think you LOST your country. Because it's no longer in the hands of the WHITE people! And we are moving past racism, and you can no longer, "Keep a Brother down!", as I would say if I was fucking with you. And I am.
So when you can honestly, articulate to me what freedom you have lost. And tell me, in a coherent way, how you're being treated, "Tyrannically", and not just whine and complain that since your side didn't win the last election, your rights have been violated? Drop me a line.
Oh, and by the way, I'm so rich I can do what ever I want, and travel as much as I want, and the President's tax increases don't affect ME! They only affect people that are EARNING more than, $250K a year. If you're shopping at, Wal Mart, you're NOT going to see a tax increase. You're going to see a tax DECREASE!
When Republicans talk about, "trickle down economics"? They are pissing down your back, and telling you it's raining penny's from heaven.
Hold on to your guns and your tea bags. Be sure not to read a book, or a newspaper, and you will be sure to stay angry at the WRONG people for the next four years.
I was talking to my broker this afternoon, and he was afraid to do much, because he's pretty sure the, "R's" are going to win 64 seats this November and take back Congress. And if that's the case, then things are going to suck for all of us! I hope he's wrong. We need MORE, not less Government intervention to stop the recession that, Bush's fucked up policy's started.
The, "R's" are stalling a JOBS Bill, while saying the problem is lack of JOBS, so they can keep the unemployment rate at 10% until the fall elections! These guys have no shame. And they suck. Anyone who works for a living is a Democrat, even if they don't know it.
Tyranny? Losing your freedom? Really? How about you, "Tea Baggers" have lost touch with reality. I just hope you moron's are getting a LOT more media coverage than you really deserve. Otherwise, all the smart people in this country are in trouble.
Monday, July 26, 2010
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