Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mom Fell, And She Can't Get Up!

It's never going to happen to YOU!  After all, YOUR parents aren't as goofy as those folks in those stupid, "HELP!  I've fallen, and I can't get up!" commercials.

Until it happens to you.

My mother is 78 years old.  And I'm thinking the three staircases she walks every day to do her laundry and go to bed at night, are what's keeping her alive at this age.  Her HOUSE is a STAIRMASTER!

But Saturday, bad shit happened.

She fell in the afternoon, and couldn't reach the phone.  Couldn't even crawl to the closet where she keeps her purse, in which she keeps her cell phone.  That she never uses.

She was there until Sunday morning when her friend, Jill found her.  The Paramedics were called and they decided that she was OK.  Not a stroke, not a heart attack, and after they got her off the floor?  She could walk to the bathroom.  everything was good.

But it wasn't.

I went home to order her one of those, "buttons" and I did.  It would be shipped on Monday.  I called her to tell her this and she said, "I've fallen again".

Shit.  Deb and I drove over and she couldn't move!  Called the paramedics again, and this time, I insisted that they take her to the hospital.  Good thing I did.

She had an infection and her Gaul bladder was ALL screwed up.  This might just be the reason, she could not sit up.  Let alone get up off the floor.

Today, Tuesday, they took out her Gaul bladder.  It was so screwed up, it had gangrene!  YUCK!
She had no signs of this on Friday, and Saturday she almost dies?

Oh, we're going to keep the, "button", no matter how good she feels after she gets home.

She's going to do a week in rehab to get her strength back before she goes home.

But at least she's still with us.

She's going to miss Alex's wedding, which is killing her.  But she's going to be alive to see his kids.  So we got that going for us.

What a summer.  Too crazy.  And I haven't even gone to CUBA yet!

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