Thursday, August 16, 2012


Mitt Romney says that Obama wants to cut $716 Billion from Medicare.  Liar!  The GAO sent a letter to Speaker of the House, "The Smoking Man" that said the savings from OBAMACARE would be $716 BILLION.  SAVINGS, not CUTTING!  Romney, you are a liar.

Romney said he wouldn't support Paul, "Eddy Munster Looking Motherfucker" Ryan's budget.  If so?  Why did he pick him as VP?

Romney wants to lower taxes on the rich (and, Liar, they are NOT job creators.  Except in China.  Trickle Down Economics is total, complete, bullshit) and quit regulating bankers and polluters.  He says this will create jobs.  Build the economy.  LIAR!

The Republican Party has been saying this since 1980.  It's been a lie since then, and it's a lie now.


If you work for a living, and especially if you work, underground for the Koch Brothers?  You won't keep your job if you vote for Romney.  You'll lose your wages.  You might have to buy your shit from a Company Store like before Unions.  And you won't have health insurance.

The Koch Brothers are LIARS.

If you are a teacher, and you think the Republicans have your best interests at heart, because they, "support" education?  You are being duped.  They are LIARS!

They want an END to public education.  They want to create a permanent underclass of uneducated, dumb people who have no way to better themselves.  People who are HAPPY to have a job paying $7 an hour at Walmart.

When they tell you that anyone can be President in this country, and anyone can become a millionaire if they work hard enough?  They are a LIAR!  You have to be born into the elite to do that.

Obama is the ONE exception in the history of the country.  And the elite HATE him for it!  He burst their bubble!  Uppity Nigger!  We'll show him!  We'll wear our guns to his speeches!

Racist motherfuckers.

They tell you it's not about him being Black.  It's  because he's a Muslim, who was born in Africa, and we hate his Christian Minister, and his birth certificate is a fake.  LIAR!

You are a racists.

Romney is going to lose 40 states.  Cause he's a Mormon, and a racists, and an elitists, and a Moron!  Who has no idea what it's like to be a real person in this country.

And, he's a LIAR!  Not just once or twice.  He's a LIAR every chance he gets.

Don't believe me?  Ask him to show us his tax returns for the last ten years.

When he doesn't?  And says he's paid his taxes, all that he was supposed to?  He's a LIAR.

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