Saturday, August 25, 2012

Religion Always Has An, "OUT".

This afternoon, my friend, Phil asked me if I'd seen the article about his Parish's Monsignor stepping down from his duties at, St. Vincent de Paul.  His church.

Of course I had NOT, since I pay no attention to the religion section of the paper anymore.  Except when every Saturday I get pissed off that I have to wade through the bullshit to get to the comics.

He said that the man had had a stroke.  And he was having problems reading his homily, and his sermons.

I said to my friend, who is always the Catholic, "Why would a loving, God punish a man who had devoted his entire life to the Lords Church?  And why couldn't you just pray away the illness?"

His answer?  "Well, I guess it's just his, Cross To Bear."

WTF?  Why would a loving, forgiving, merciful, GOD, decide to say to a man who had devoted his entire life to the Church.  Who had given faithful counsel to the suffering.  Who had counseled and consoled the forlorn and destitute.  Who had spent his entire life, in service to the people who believed in that SAME, forgiving, merciful God, at the end of his life, "Geez, thanks for all you did, Father.  You were the perfect Priest, and did everything I asked of you.  Now, as you reach the end of your life, instead of a blissful retirement, and wonderful old age?  I'm going to FUCK YOU UP!  You will have no memory, you can't think straight, and you will forget your thoughts from one moment to the next!  Thanks for your service.  See you in a little while."

How the HELL is THIS right?  If you really believe in religion, which is total bullshit, really, how do you explain THIS!

If you really believe in religion, every Priest and Preacher should live a long, and healthy life, right up to the minute God calls them home.  They should never, ever, get sick, or suffer.

Phil's answer to this was, "Well, we're told we are all susceptible to the rules of nature.  Our bodies get old, we can get sick."

OK.  Then you believe in evolution.  Which is the basis for EVERYTHING we know about modern medicine.  So quit trying to get our public schools to teach creationism like it was the TRUTH!  It's bullshit!  You can't have it both ways.

Phil's response?  "You're going to get a blog out of this, aren't you?"  Yep.

Religion is nothing more than superstition.  It has no more impact on your life than astrology.  If we take a look back on the religions that were dominant in the culture's that actually grew civilization?  We have left them all behind.

The current crop will get left behind soon, too.

And something even more nutty will come up.

So it goes.

Believe what you want.  I won't pass a law that makes your belief system illegal.  As long as you don't pass laws that deny science and truth.  Even when they contradict your belief system.  Do we have a deal?

Cause if we don't?  I'll come after you through the courts.  And you will lose.

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