Friday, May 18, 2012

Gubment Hatin'

The Government in this country built the Erie Canal.  It opened the Midwest Territory to settlement.

The Government in this country built the Panama Canal, which allowed the west coast of this country to be settled, taken over from Mexico and Russia, and eventually led to Alaska and Hawaii becoming states.

The Government in this country established the Public Works Administration (my mom, who grew up in the Great Depression still says PWA, stood for, "Papa Works, Again") that put America back to work, when there were no, "Job Creators", "trickling down" jobs.  But there were still plenty of rich folks.  Like NOW!

The Government in this country established Social Security to take care of our old people.  Medicare to do the same, and Medicaid to keep the poor and disabled from dying unnecessarily.

The Government in this country established the Tennessee Valley Authority and other rural electrification projects to bring electricity to rural America, because private industry would not.  All you SEC football fans in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas and the Carolina's?  You better thank the Federal Government for that.  Because without them?  You'd still be reading about college football in a week old newspaper by coal oil lamp.  If you could read.  And wondering what the hell college football was.  And what was a, "college"?

The Government in this country established the interstate highways.  So you folks in Montana know what a banana looks like.  Even if you choose to live on Elk meat and methamphetamine?  You have other options.

The Government in this country gave women the right to vote, minorities the right to vote, abolished poll taxes and ended discrimination in schools and everywhere else.  If we left THAT up to the states?  There would be no Black people in Utah, and sure as hell no, Utah Jazz.

The Government in this country makes sure you don't, on too many occasions, eat spoiled vegetables, rotten meat, bad drugs or stuff that's called meat and really isn't.

The Government in this country makes sure your airliner isn't landing on a runway at the same time as ANOTHER airliner.

The Government in this country made the rivers quit burning.  Is still trying to clean the air, except in Utah (that's a LOCAL problem) and makes sure your credit card, debit card, health insurance, and MARRIAGE is recognized in EVERY state.  No matter where you got married, in a church or a court house, or WHO married you, a Judge or Minister.

The Government in this country makes sure that every time you pick up the phone to ask for help, someone takes the call.  There are no, Privatized Police and Fire Departments in this country.  Yet.

The Government in this country is the reason you don't have to set your watch back one minute every time you drive nine miles east like train conductors had to in the 1800's, to have the correct time.

The Government in this country is the reason your milk you give you kids is pasteurized and safe.  But the beer you buy for yourself doesn't have to be.  As long as you know about it up front.

The Government in this country is the reason you can practice any religion you like, any where you like, no matter how crazy, or weird, even in public.  BUT you can't shove it down my throat and MAKE me behave like you want me too by passing laws based on YOUR religion!

And for all of the above?  I am VERY grateful.

So if you hate government intervention in your life?  Maybe you need to move to another country.  And leave us true, patriots, the Liberals, in charge of OUR country.

1 comment:

  1. Well written as always. I enjoy you blog everytime I readd it. Keep up the good work.
