Thursday, May 10, 2012

Liar! The Mitt Romney Story

A bunch of Mitt Romney's spoiled, brat, prep school buddies (who have the conscience he lacks) have narced him off for participating in an assault and the cutting off of the hair, of a Gay, long hair kid in Jr. high school.  And he claims he doesn't remember it.

Bullshit.  If I was ever a part of ganging up on a kid with a bunch of friends, and making a plan that included someone bringing scissors to school, or at least out of the classroom to use in this assault, I'm pretty sure it would be an event I would remember.

Cause I didn't drink in Jr. High School.  I assume he didn't either.

Why would someone make this up?  I'm asking, not asserting.  Because I've had people make shit up about me that could have cost me my career.  And not the probationers and parolees I put in jail, but co-workers!  So I'm quite aware that this kind of thing happens.  But the last news report I saw, five people had confirmed it.

This story coming on the heals of his, "I'll take a lot of credit" for the GM bailout earlier this week?  WTF?  You said let them go bankrupt, Mitt!  Now you want to take credit for saving the Detroit auto industry?  No one who doesn't watch, Faux News is buying your bullshit.

And it's not just Mitt.  Mitt has bought into the Republican strategy of, "Just say anything, and the rubes will buy it".  He did it at the NRA convention in St. Louis a few weeks ago.  With absolutely no evidence whatsoever, he claimed, "Obama is coming for your guns."  WTF?  Based on WHAT?

The only legislation, that I am aware of that The President has signed have allowed you to take a gun into a National Park and on to an Amtrak train.

Look, I have an 800 pound gun safe in my basement.  It's pretty much full of guns.  I buy handgun ammunition by the case.  I spent 23 years in law enforcement.  If you break into my house, I will shoot you.  And I'm pretty good.  Chances are?  You won't survive it.

I've been a Delegate to the Democratic County Convention three times.  I get email from Move On.  I sent a couple of hundred dollars to the Obama campaign in 2008 (and I'm still getting mail asking for more!  Stop it.  You have about $54 Million more than I do).  The Democrats know how to get in touch with me.  I'm on the mailing list, OK?

And I have heard NOTHING about trying to change/modify/restrict/toughen ANY laws that would affect gun ownership!  NOTHING!  It does not exist.

But there are people out there who hear this, and they believe it, without going to a legitimate news source to confirm it.

Mitt Romney is counting on these people to put him over the top in November.

I used to have an office next to dumb ass.  Gun nut.  Worked three jobs to get buy, cause the pay he was making as a Public Employee and Law Enforcement Officer wasn't enough to support his family.   So he was a hunting guide, and from his telephone conversations (this idiot had no, "inside voice".  Probably too much unprotected exposure to gun fire) he remodeled bathrooms, installed carpet and hardwood floors, too.  He spent all day on the phone working his OTHER jobs, and very little time doing the one he was getting paid for by the State.

This guy, in the 2000 election actually said to me, "The Democratic Platform has a Plank (I was floored he even knew what that MEANT!  Maybe he didn't, but he'd read it on a web site, or Limbaugh said it) that bans center fire ammunition!"  WTF?  Where did he get this?  He couldn't say, all he would say was, "Look it up!" 

I didn't have to. I knew it was bullshit.  But he believed this.  So he was voting for Republicans, because they lied to him, and they scared him.

Despite the fact that the R's in the State Legislature were freezing his pay, taking his retirement health insurance, cutting his pension, and keeping him living paycheck to paycheck with their policy's, so that Public Employees couldn't make a decent living with only ONE job.  Dumb ass.

Mitt can get away with lying his privileged, white, male, Mormon, Republican ass off, because idiots like this guy don't call him on it.

So no matter which way you are inclined to vote this fall, at least do yourself the favor of making sure you don't fall for lies.  Don't rely on Faux News for your information.  Go to NPR, or,  But don't let the liars make you look foolish.

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