Saturday, January 14, 2012

Eagle Forum Convention Was In SLC Today. Whole Lot Of Stupid Going On

I was watching the news tonight, and they did a report on the Eagle Forum having their state convention in a downtown hotel today.  I guess all the candidates for Congress this year were speaking. The, "R" candidates.  The news clip they used for Carl Wimmer was classic.

He kept going on about all the things he will fight for when he's elected, and one of them was, State Sovereignty.  Really?  You WANT that now?  Because 150 years ago, right after your Mormon ancestors illegally immigrated to Mexico in 1847, you constantly begged the United States of America to grant you statehood!  Finally had to give up on your religious principal of polygamy to get it.  Now you want to piss it away.

Of course, in your world, you want a NATIONAL ban on Gay Marriage.  A NATIONAL ban on abortion.  NATIONAL recognition of your concealed carry permit.  A NATIONAL ban on pornography, drugs, and any thing else you don't like.

Look, Wimmer.  You can't have it both ways.  Have you ever heard of the Civil War? Either you're state is part of the Union, and lives by The Constitution YOU claim was divinely inspired, or you don't.  And that means you succeed from the Union.

And this time it won't be over slavery.  It will be over public schools KEEPING the public money from your, Mormon private school, contraception, abortion, gun control, being able to make your own gold coins, illegal aliens who you don't think the Government is doing enough to make miserable, not being able to run a religious theocracy, Gays getting equal rights, alcohol laws, not wanting to have to have daylight savings time, letting folks view pornography on their Internet connection instead of having to check into a Marriott Hotel in Utah County to watch it, free trade and the rule of capitalism in any and every way, except the State should control the sale of alcohol, and selling all the open land in this state to the highest bidder!

Yeah, I know you white, right wing, Republican, Mormons are SO oppressed here in Utah.  It's a shame how your human rights are violated by a repressive Federal Government.

Who's highway money you're happy to take.  Who's big bucks keep Hill Air Force Base open.  Who spends a fortune buying bullets and other things from ATK, formerly, Hercules in West Valley City, and other places.

Oh, did you notice?  Just before he came to speak to you nutcases today, Governor Herbert got the folks in Cache County a BUNCH of money from FEMA to pay for the damage from last springs flooding.  You remember FEMA?  The folks that you thought were going to declare Marshall Law the minute we elected the Black, Socialist, African, Muslim who's Methodist Minister you hated during the campaign?

I wish like hell I knew the Eagle Forum was meeting in town today.  I would have gotten the tin foil hat concession set up in the lobby!  I'd be rich.  RICH, I tell you!

Lets just call these folks what they are, OK?  A right wing, Christian version of the Taliban.  They want all of us to live like they think we should, and they want the Federal Government to impose those kind of laws on us.  But god forbid, the Federal Government, protect the rights of individuals in each and every state to be free of the bullshit laws they want to pass!

And when it comes to Carl Wimmer?  He does NOT have a college degree.  Which, personally, I think should be a minimum requirement for an office as important as Congressman.  He WAS a Cop, but he didn't RETIRE as a COP which, as a retired COP, makes me wonder why, as hard as you have to work to get those jobs?  He quit.  Usually this means that if he didn't quit?  He was going to get fired.  I don't know a single person who was a Cop, that quit, who wasn't going to get fired first.  Just something someone ought to look into.

I'm talking to you, Paul Roly.

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