Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mitt Is The Shit

OK, I understand that Mitt Romney is a privileged, spoiled, asshole who got all his wealth from his parents, and THEN started a company that made him even richer.

I got MOST of my wealth from my father.  He amassed a fortune of ALMOST one million dollars that I inherited.  Romney has hundreds of million of dollars.

He paid 15% of his income in taxes last year.

I paid 35%.

Plus a $5K penalty for not doing what I should have done in 2007 and 2008 because I got lousy advice from my accountant.  I did this voluntarily.  I, "narced" myself off to the IRS when my broker found the problem.  And my new accountant agreed with me, that it would be better to pay it than hope the IRS, "didn't notice".

So, since I don't have any of my money in the Camen Islands, like, Mitt does.  And even though I claim some of my money now that I'm retired, from, "Capital Gains",  just like, Mitt, because I MADE some money as, "Earned Income" (my state retirement, my wife's state retirement and her SS disability for being blind) I have to pay 35% in taxes and HE pays 15%?

WTF?  How is this right?

If you vote for a Republican, and you work for a living?  You're an IDIOT!

And he's a Mormon.  Which will doom his campaign in the South.  Well, the East, too.  Northeast?  Never going to happen.  Probably the Midwest as well.  He's not going to win the Northwest.   Or California.  Might win Utah, Arizona and Idaho.

Every time this guy opens his mouth, it becomes increasingly clear that he will say anything, PROMISE anything, to the right wing if he thinks it will get him elected!

He IS the 1%.  And he believes some crazy stuff.  And he hates poor people ("Corporations ARE people, my friend!").  He's given millions of dollars to the Mormons, who hate the Gays, while being OK with Gay marriage in Massachusetts while he was Governor there!  He has always been against a woman's right to choose as a, "pro-life" Mormon, until he was, "Pro-Choice" to get elected Governor in Massachusetts.  He's a lying, flip flopping, asshole, who will say or do anything to become President!

And he needs to be called on all his bullshit.

If you are saving your aluminum cans because you need the money and you vote for Republicans?  You are crazy.  If you work for an hourly wage, and you vote for Republicans?  You are crazy.  If you work for Wal-Mart, or McDonald's and you think this will get you into the top 1% some day if you work hard and long enough?  You didn't finish high school.

And you don't own a Library Card.  If you're stupid?  It's your own fault.  The Library is open for EVERYONE.  As are, at least at this point, while we keep the, Republicans at bey, the public schools.

If you don't own a yacht?  And you STILL vote for, Mitt Romney, who believes, God lives on the Planet Kolob?  You're crazy.

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