Thursday, April 26, 2012

UDOT And The Corrupt, Herbert Administration.

Is there anyone out there who is not convinced that the government of the State of Utah, run exclusively by Republican, Mormons is so totally corrupt, that it is just out of control? Lets just take a look at The Utah Department Of Transportation for a minute.

 UDOT has, in the last few years, sent an avalanche prevention shell into the back yard of a home in Utah County, and THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS OF TAX PAYER MONEY to a company that did NOT win a bid to rebuild the freeway through Utah County. But that company DID sent more than $80K to the Governors campaign coffers.

How do you, in any form of reality, have to pay the LOSING bidder, $13 MILLION for LOSING THE BID? WTF? I can not imagine, in any situation, that you did everything above board, and by the book, that you had to pay that kind of money to the LOSER of the contract. That is just fucked up. And totally wrong.

And then, they fire the woman who told the guys who lost the bid, that they lost the bid. OH, NO! Don't tell the truth! Cost the state, so far, $67K in back pay. But it's GOING to cost them her attorney's fees. And some money for pain and suffering. Trust me. The woman is going to win. And the State and corrupt Herbert, are going to pay.

This government is as corrupt, if not more so, than Illinois or Louisiana. My friend, Lisa the comedian who's from Louisiana would pronounce our Governor's name as, "Aey-bear".

Then, this week, it comes out that even though they were ordered to give the woman her job back, pay her back pay and reinstate her position with the state? They tried to get her to sign a letter that asked the Democrats to NOT use her situation in their champing material? REALLY? WHO thought that was a good idea?

Well, according to UDOT? John Nord. The guy in charge of UDOT. This guy is as corrupt as the day is long. And if they don't fire him? The Governor needs to get fired in the fall. I know what working for the state means, you do what they tell you to. But you DON'T do it when it's illegal, or wrong. You keep our job when you say, "no" in those situations. When you do it anyway? You need to get fired.

Time to clean house in Utah. But it will never happen. The Mormon, Republicans will ALWAYS win. No matter how corrupt they are.

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