Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Tests" for Voters

I've been thinking, and I'm thinking I was a little hard on, Tom Tancrado the other day. He was calling for the reinstatement of, "Literacy Tests" for voters, and I ripped him for being a racist, but he might be onto something.

I mean, we all know what happens when stupid people get to vote, right? The, BUSH Administration happens. Chris Buttars wins another term. Sarah Palin ends up a GOVERNOR of an American state!

So, I'm thinking that maybe you should have to pass a test to vote in this country. If you are dumb enough to bring a rifle to a President's speech, you are NOT smart enough to vote.

I propose that when you turn 18, and you register to vote, you have to go to a local University (one with a CAMPUS, not a, "room number", and it has to be more than 10 years old) and have your IQ tested by the Psychology Department. It it's above 90 (dull normal) you get a voter registration card. If it's not? You don't. But you do get a copy of, "Going Rogue". And a set of Crayons to write letters to the editor.

Seriously, have you seen these, "Tea Bag" protests? Signs that say, "Obama is a MUSLIN!" No, he's not a sheet. "We don't want a PUBIC option" That sounds interesting, but I'm not sure I want that, either. Public Option, I'm all for it.

Yeah, a voter test would be a good thing. And it would make Republicans head's explode because they would have to be FOR it when they knew it would do them in. And very few people in, Kansas, and only a hand full of us in, Utah would get to vote. And that would be a GOOD thing!


  1. I like the idea of testing but my fear is....after years of banging my head against the wall in the "R" state I will not be able to pass the test....The last thing I want is a copy of "Going Rogue"

  2. But if this works out, you and me could run things! Think about it.
