Monday, February 1, 2010

Last Friday

Wow. Did the current President make the Republicans look like idiots at their lunch last week in Baltimore, or what? "Faux News" even quit covering it before it was over, since it made them look as stupid as they are.

Why are we still paying attention to the stupid people in our country? Fuck them. We need a national health plan. How do the dumb get this much credit? Sarah Palin? Dumber than a box of rocks.

"Faux News"? Totally bullshit. But the folks living in trailers, still believe it.

Land of the free, home of the stupid, it appears. I don't hate, America. I hate the people who think they own it, and are so stupid, that they don't read newspapers. Or books that they don't buy at, Costco.

And as for guns? I actually have, too many! I bought a .40 Cal. S&W, Sigma, semi auto back in the 90's so I could carry it for work, AND off duty! BIG pistol. Three 15 round magazines, when you could only buy 10 round magazines if you were NOT a COP. Glow in the dark, "night sights". This was a hell of a gun. Now? I don't need it, and I can't sell it.

My Department went to, Glock a few years later, and my friends bought mine for me when I retired. Glock 23, .40. Compact, shorter, easily concealable. And I hate to admit it, much more accurate than the, Sigma. At long range. Both pretty good to 15 feet. After that? Not so much.

I'm going to take my, Sigma and my dad's deer rifle (which I will NEVER use again) to the Pawn shop this week. I just looked them up on the Internet, and the Sigma is worth about $100 less than I paid for it, but that's OK. I don't need it. I have the, Glock.

The Remington? Not so much. It's a hot gun. And it's older than ME! It's worth almost $400! And it has a scope, which the Internet sight does not take into account. All quotes are, "without scope". So I'll ask more.

I want a .45. A 1912, Colt. Big assed gun. Or another, Ruger, Security Six 357. Like I had in college. Something like that.

Guns are good. Republicans are not. I buy guns to protect myself from crooks. Republicans buy guns to protect themselves from the truth!

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