Friday, April 16, 2010

Tea Bag This

50%+ of these nut balls are college educated, and many of them have ADVANCED degrees. MOST of them, almost 70% earn MORE than $50K a year? Really?

But 52% of them think that the problems of Black People in this country have been exaggerated. And 3% of them think our current, President was born in, Africa.

So, well educated, but ill informed, rich, white people think they need to wear guns to Presidential speeches, and take, "Their County Back". From who? The rest of us who DON'T EARN $50K a year, and didn't go to college?

I went to college. And how much I earn is fluid. Last year, probably more than YOU. The year before that? Not so much. But, my taxes went down this last year, along with 95% of Americans because of, President Obama's policy's of lowering taxes on lower/middle class Americans, and taxing the rich MORE! As it should be!

I'm so rich, that I go where ever my wife wants to go every year. We go to all the Utah road football games. We spent a week in, Grenada this February. We go to, Belize every winter to see, Jerry Jeff Walker do a couple of concerts in a little, bar over the ocean. Boston this summer. Red Sox with the kids in Fenway, and Jimmy Buffett just south of town, rented a three story, three bedroom condo in Boston.

And I didn't get a tax INCREASE! I actually got, $170 BACK from the, Feds this year! First time since I inherited my money when my dad died in 2006. Since then, until this year, I've paid over $2K in taxes every year!

Bush taxed the SHIT out of me! Obama? Not so much.

Now, the people who MAKE over, $250K a year, are going to pay their share. Good! They should! If you make more, you should pay more for what Government gives to you.

Oh, and by the way? My, States Rights, State of Utah, taxed me an additional $600+ after the taxes they took out of my pension they pay me every month. After 20+ years of serving them in Law Enforcement. And they took the promised retirement health care away from me just a year before I could retire.

I'm pretty sure I would be better off if there was no STATE, and just a FEDERAL Government!

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