Friday, April 30, 2010

You want, "The President" to die? Really?

Today, there came out an email, and I'm not sure where from, that was supposed to be on, FB. About these, "Christians" who were PRAYING to, God, for, The President to die.

Something to the effect, "God you took my favorite singer, Michael Jackson, my favorite actress, Farah Fawcett, my favorite actor, Patrick Swayze, my favorite... etc. And I want you to know my FAVORITE President is, Barack Obama! I hope you're listening!"

How fucked up is that? If you wrote this, and posted it on FB, or anywhere else and said you wished that someone would SHOOT, The President, you'd be in JAIL! It's treason. Punishable by death. But you PRAY for someone to die? Really? You, PRAY, to, GOD, for someone you just disagree with, politically, to DIE!?

That, assholes, is NOT, Christian. I know, I used to be one. I hated, "W" with every fiber of my being. But I didn't show up at his appearances wearing a gun! Or wish his death, just his defeat in an election!

OK, I lied about that. I DID show up at one of his appearances with a gun. The opening ceremonies of the 2002 Winter Olympics, I was assigned to work with the FBI (long story, but one local Cop pared with one, Federal Cop was the plan. Ask me later) and he drove right past me, about four feet away, and waving in the limo. Even if I'd have shot at him, it wouldn't have worked. Armour platting. But shooting, "The President" never even crossed my mind! I hated him, but I wouldn't have shot him!

Now, we have, alleged, "Christian's" PRAYING for his death! I'm praying for them. That they die. Morons.


  1. Stick, I was equally offended by this. I don't know why it wasn't okay when the left protested the Iraq war because it was disrespectful to the president but when the right doesn't like health reform we pray for him to die and take guns to his appearances? I think the whole of this country is loosing it's fucking minds!

  2. "Today, there came out an email, and I'm not sure where from, that was supposed to be on FB."

    Do you believe everything you read on the internet? "...I'm not sure...supposed to be..." Please site the references. If true, these people are as phony as you.

    By the way, if you don't believe in God, what are you worried about?

  3. sapper, one of my friends, real friends, not just FB friends sent it to me. She later admitted that it was wrong, even though she doesn't like, President Obama, to do this. MSNBC, and CNN reported it. Do you doubt it? Do you doubt that it's out there, or that it happened? Do I need to do your research for you? It's now been pulled by, FB. And the point is that people who DO believe in your Imaginary Friend In The Sky, think that by praying, they can KILL THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNINTED STATES! That's fucked up, and in my opinion, it's criminal, and they should all be in jail just like someone who advocated shooting the, President. The wish, and intent is the same! I'll let you know what I find when I Google, "pray the President dead".

  4. Ok, Sapper, it's taken me ten minutes, five of which were spent taking a piss, and gettig a new drink, to find two web sites, The Pew Economic Policy Group's article on, "Imprecatory Prayer", and the, OCWeekly blogs article on, "Rev Wiley Drake Prays For Obama's Death. Knock yourself out trying to prove I'm lying to you. Dumbass.

  5. I wasn't accusing you of lying. I was more surprised you take the bait from these types of stories. It's strange what get's you rattled enough to write about.

    I do not doubt these type of activities are going on. They are completely wrong and inexcusable. I think they only do it to draw attention to their "church" or themselves.

    At the end you state, "I'm praying for them. That they die." Aren't you being hypocritical? Isn't this the type of behavior you called out? By the way, who are you praying to?

  6. No, I'm not being, "hypocritical". I'm pointing out the hypocrisy. That they should be scared, doesn't, "ring" FUNNY to you? Are you acquainted with the word, "satire"? It seems, you are not. I bet you read, "The Deep End" in, The City Weekly" every week, and accuse the author of being anti-Mormon, and talking bad about, Mitt Romney. YOU, DON'T, GET, THE, JOKE, MOST, OF, THE, TIME. Did I speak slowly enough for you? Please, feel free to correct my spelling. And know this! I don't give a shit.
