Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Yah can't get theeer, from, heere!" Going to Boston.

God! I've been misspelling, "Camaro" for the whole week! I'm a dope.

Tonight, "The Blind Lady" decided that the next city she wants to see, is, Boston. Ok, I was trying to talk her into, Tampa. As my son and I like the beach, but if this is what she wants? Ok, we'll do it.

I've spent $600 to buy four tickets to see, Jimmy Buffett on June 17th about 50 miles from Boston. And tried to buy tickets to see the, Red Sox play the, Dodgers the day after (Dodgers were, Deb's favorite team growing up) but they were sold out, and only available on Stub Hub starting at $200 a seat and going to well over $1000. Fuck that.

We will be seeing Fenway Park and sitting in the bleachers to watch the Diamondbacks on the 15th for $31.00 a ticket. Not good seats, but still? My kids get to see a baseball game in FENWAY FREAKING PARK! How cool is that? They have been to the Metro dome in Minneapolis (no longer the baseball park), RFK Stadium in Washington DC, for OPENING DAY in April of 2007. "The Last Opening Day In RFK" as they opened the new stadium the next year. Shea Stadium to see the, Met's the next year they moved. The last year THAT stadium was open. And last year, the Cub's vs. the White Sox at Wrigley Field! Not, to, bad.

I've got the tickets to the concert, the baseball game and now all I need is a place to stay, and plane tickets. I'll get the place on, And, I hope my credit card points get us the airfare. I put EVERYTHING on the Visa to earn those points.

We shall see.

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