Monday, March 29, 2010

"M, M, M, M, My, Militia!"

The, "Evil Feds" arrested nine, Christian Militia members today in the Midwest. "Christian Militia"? Isn't that an oxymoron, like, "BYU Scholar", "Military Intelligence", and, "Jumbo Shrimp"? I'd accept a, "Group of Christian Cheek Turners", but militia? That's a bit much.

It seems these, "Christians" were plotting to lure a Cop into a ambush with a traffic stop, kill him, and then when there were a whole bunch of other Cop's at his funeral, either shoot everyone, or blow them up with home made pipe bombs in an effort to start an armed revolution. That's ambitious. Doesn't leave much time for shooting abortion doctors, does it?

These folks, and the, "Tea Baggers" are planning a big gun rights rally in Washington DC on April 19th. You remember that day? It's the day the, Fed's stormed the religious nut ball compound in Wacco, Texas and those people chose to set themselves on fire, rather than get arrested by the, "Gubment". It's the day that another militia member, Tim McVeigh murdered almost 200 people in, Oklahoma City. Great day for a rally supporting your right to commit random acts of violence and have as many guns as you want.

Look, I'm all for guns. I have plenty of them. I'm just saying your timing sends a very poor message about how you think political change should happen in this country. We don't protect ourselves from a tyrannical government with a gun. You do it with a ballot!

And who's coming for your guns anyway? I'm on the Democrat's mailing list. So every morning, when I get my email about what groups we are going to purposefully piss off, and oppress, and what religions we are going to suppress, and I put on my Jack Boots (whatever THEY are, but it was a popular term in the 90's) and stomp out the door to do my duty, I check the list carefully. No one has mentioned gun owners yet.

Do you remember the last time we heard a lot of reports about, Militia's? When people would declare themselves, "Freemen" and wouldn't be tried in courts that had fringes on the flags? They put fake license plates on their cars from the Virgin Islands, wouldn't carry drivers licenses, and thought the only legitimate law enforcement was County Sheriff's? Yep, it was the last time we were talking about health care reform in this country. The mid 90's when there was another, Democrat in the White House, and the right wing nuts thought they were losing their country. Here we go again.

Pick up a copy of a book called, "A Force Upon The Plain: The American Militia Movement And The Politics Of Hate" by, Kenneth S. Stern. And read, "The Turner Diaries" by, Andrew MacDonald (it's not is real name, but that escapes me right now). I bought them from, "Caliber Press" back in the 90's. A group dedicated to training Cops to stay alive on the street. I attended their, "Street Survival" training three different times, and it was invaluable to me.

"Force" tells you about the way these, "Christian" groups think, and what they believe. They think, Jesus was an Aryan, and the, "Jewish Media" has changed history since they control the media and the banks. It's crazy stuff. But the book lets you understand how, and why these militia, Skinhead, and now, I'll include, "Tea Baggers" think. It was good information for anyone in law enforcement to have in the 90's.

And read, "The Turner Diaries" to really understand, how these people think. And what they are afraid of. It will help you understand them, and see through their BS, and the talking points, now being used by, "Tea Baggers" to try to scare the shit out of regular Americans. "They're taking your guns! They're expanding government to control you! The United Nations will rule the world! etc., etc., etc." FEMA death camps is a new one, I'll give them that.

The bottom line is there is a class of people in this country who feel powerless over their own situation. And when whipped into a frenzy by people like, Sarah Palin, are easily moved to action.

They can be convinced to show up at a Presidential speech carrying a rifle.

Or, plot to kill a Cop in the name of, Christianity.

This is crazy.

Mark my words, folks. One of these guys is going to blow up a building before 2012. You heard it here first.

Oh, I forgot. One of them already did! While I was in, Grenada in February, a nutball flew his private plane into an IRS building in Texas because he didn't want to pay his taxes. Really? I'm rich and I don't have a private plane. And I pay my taxes.


  1. Jeff, I think if we really valued education in the country and personal responsibility this would all go away. However, we don't really. We value profits and stuff. As a result of dumbing down the population, the idolization of Reagan, the use of religion as the opiate of the masses, and racism that continues to fan the flames.... I think you may be right. I have heard my own father say some things that has me very concerned about where the discourse is heading.

    Even Gary Herbert acknowledged it in his press conference although he tried to down play the significance.

  2. I think you're right. They use religion to try and keep truth out of the schools, and that allows, Wal Mart to give people $7 an hour and a list of local free clinics instead of health insurance, and they still think they are lucky to have the job. I edited the last post. I forgot about the airplane in Texas while I was in Grenada.
